About Graduate Certificate Programme in
Entrepreneurship (GCPE)

The Graduate Certificate Programme in Entrepreneurship (GCPE) is a fast-track entrepreneurship development programme designed for undergraduates/fresh graduates of any discipline with an entrepreneurial mindset. GCPE aims to foster knowledge, skills and attitude to help young, aspiring student entrepreneurs get a head start in India’s booming start-up ecosystem.

GCPE offers an opportunity to build a strong profile and differentiate participants’ CVs for better career prospects and/or higher education aspirations. GCPE is an invaluable programme to cultivate a wide range of essential skills for success in both entrepreneurial endeavours and academic and professional pursuits. It enables participants to go beyond their internship plans and focus on generating start-up ideas.


Objectives of SPJIMR’s entrepreneurship development programme

The GCPE seeks to act as the catalyst in the transformation of youth by creating and nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset among them. Watch Prof. Tulsi Jayakumar, SPJIMR CFBE Executive Director, share insights about the entrepreneurship programme.

GCPE’s target audience

The GCPE is a curated offering targeted at bright undergraduates and fresh graduates (from any discipline) who possess an entrepreneurial mindset. If you keep track of and are excited by the idea of being a part of the startup ecosystem or even contributing to innovations within corporate India, then the GCPE is the programme you are looking for!


  • It will allow you to explore the entrepreneurship space in India at a young age or even get a headstart in India’s start-up ecosystem and unleash a new “you”.
  • It will allow you to be a part of India’s premier B-School and Build networks with like-minded individuals and the community of entrepreneurs associated with SPJIMR’s CFBE
  • Opportunity to network with entrepreneurs from the start-up ecosystem and family business ecosystem and participate in seminars and  workshops.
  • It acts as a Summer School Programme which catalyses the opportunity to build your profile and help you differentiate your CV for better career prospects
  • It provides an opportunity to explore participants’ internship plans into real-life startup idea-generation experiences
  • It offers you an opportunity to upskill yourself through cultivating a wide range of essential skills required for entrepreneurial endeavours, academic and professional pursuits
  • It provides you with the convenience of learning over the weekend, and at a price which can only be called a “steal deal”
  • You receive a Certificate of Participation from SPJIMR’s CFBE
  • Access to incubation facilities post-programme with Sardar Patel Technology Business Incubator SP-TBI (sptbi.com), located within the Bhavan’s campus. Andheri. Incubation facilities are subject to terms & conditions of SP-TBI

Salient features of SPJIMR’s entrepreneurship programme

  • Led by top practitioner faculty of SPJIMR with hands-on experience in entrepreneurship
  • Curriculum and pedagogy designed to foster and nurture an entrepreneurial mindset and a business creation intent.
  • Conducted over one month during weekends on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings
  • Deliver at the end of 1 month: “The most terrific business idea” to solve “The wickedest problems that India faces” with mentoring hours for the Final Presentation
  • A SPark Tank to evaluate the in-house ‘sparks’ on the business ideas
  • Conducted in a Hybrid mode ( Online / Offline) over weekends
  • Opportunity to receive mentoring from SPJIMR faculty even after the programme
  • Opportunity to meet and build networks with like-minded individuals and the community of entrepreneurs associated with SPJIMR.
  • On completion of the programme, refund of a partial fee to successful participants (see details in the Programme Structure section)

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SPJIMR advantage

  • SPJIMR, a top ten B-School in India, has pioneered the MBA programme for Family Managed Businesses for over 25 years.
  • SPJIMR is among five founding members of the National Entrepreneurship Network initiated by the US-based Wadhwani Foundation to promote entrepreneurship in India.
  • SPJIMR’s faculty is a mix of accomplished academicians with extensive industry exposure and includes teaching entrepreneurs from small and medium enterprises.
  • SPJIMR has been consistently ranked amongst India’s Top 5 B-schools by various reputed international and national B-school surveys. It is recognised by Financial Times Masters in Management (FT MiM) Rankings 2024 as the #1 B-school in India and #35 in the world.

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Entrepreneurship development programme dates

Month Dates
June ’25 14 – 15 (Sat & Sun)
21 – 22 (Sat & Sun)
28 – 29 (Sat & Sun)
July ’25 5 (Sat)
19 (Sat)

Entrepreneurship development programme fees

The GCPE Programme fee is ₹ 25,000 plus GST. A sum of ₹ 10,000 shall be given as a scholarship to the participant upon successful completion of the programme, which requires a minimum of 80% attendance after completing four weekends of the programme and presenting the final presentation.

The fee is payable in full on admission as below:

  • GCPE Programme Fee – ₹25,000 + GST (18%) (To be paid at the time of admission)

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