Curriculum for the 18-month PGPM programme

The PGPM programme addresses the unique needs of accomplished and ambitious professionals/executives seeking career acceleration or transition. The programme offers a thoughtfully curated learning journey through focussed phases. PGPM provides its participants with a strong foundation in core management fundamentals in the first Semester. In the second Semester, participants choose one major and two minor concentrations that will help them bridge from their past experiences to their future aspirations.

Programme structure

  • Semester I

    The first semester helps participants develop a strong foundation in core management fundamentals. The module focuses on core subjects that are common for all students.

    Semester I Comprises the following phases:

    • Pre Foundation – This is an Introductory Phase geared at providing basic subject knowledge required to bring all participants at the same level.
    • Foundation – Courses covered in this phase will focus on core business management fundamentals.
    • Core Functional – This phase emphasises the various core functional areas of business.
    • Core Application – Courses covered in this phase will Focus on the integrated application of functional knowledge for decision-making.

    In addition, participants will undergo workshops, guest lectures and other training.

  • Semester II

    In the second Semester, participants choose one major and two minor concentrations that will help them bridge from their past experiences to their future aspirations.

    Semester – II Comprises the following phases and courses:

    • Functional Majors – Participants have a choice of opting for one of the following majors:
      • Operations and Supply Chain Management
      • Information Management & Analytics
      • Sales & Marketing
      • Finance
      • Human Resource Management
    • Concentration – In the Concentration phase, participants have access to cutting-edge, theme-based courses with a focus on practical application. They can select concentrations aligned with their areas of interest.
    • Integration – During this phase, participants will have the opportunity to engage in integrative courses, select either a Start-up or Social Impact Project, and opt for an International Immersion experience.

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