PGPFMB curriculum and programme structure

The Post Graduate Programme in Family Managed Business (PGPFMB) is an 18-month programme with sessions conducted for 14-15 consecutive months. It includes an international immersion, followed by an interim business plan presentation scheduled in the 16th month and the final presentation scheduled during the 18th month of the programme.

Phase I comprises of 5 contacts, Phase 2 comprises of 5 contacts and Phase 3 comprises of 4 contacts. A contact refers to a calendar week in the month, which follows a pre-determined (calendar) schedule. Post this, the participant works on the Business Role Plan, while working at his own business.

Programme structure

Programme Architecture
  • Overview

    The programme curriculum currently being followed comprises of 44 courses spread over three phases. A participant will complete 40 credits over the three phases comprising of basic, advanced and elective (general and custom elective) courses. The programme curriculum is subject to change from time to time, in keeping with the changing dynamics of the business environment and industry needs. The Programme curriculum also includes outbound activity as part of Leadership Lab course, offsite contact, Domestic and International Industrial visits.

  • PHASE I | C1-C5

    • Understanding the Business Environment
    • Acquiring & Managing Customers
    • Introduction to Finance
    • Interpersonal Skills for Business Leaders – I
    • Spreadsheet for Decision Making
    • Managing Self
    • Managing Teams
    • Family Dynamics-I
    • Leadership Lab
    • Business & Society (Conducted across phases)
    • Leveraging IT for Business
    • Business Improvement Project (Conducted across phases)
  • PHASE II | C6-C10

    • Managing Sales Force and Reseller Network
    • B2B Sales
    • Financial Management
    • Cost Management
    • Harnessing Human Resources in FMBs
    • Competitive Strategy
    • Business Improvement Project (conducted across phases)
    • Interpersonal Skills for Business Leaders II
    • Strategic Negotiation
    • Family Dynamics-II
    • Leadership in Action
    • Business & Society (Conducted over phases)
    • Elective -Minor (Incl visit)
    • Manufacturing
    • Service
    • Retail
    • Real Estate & Infrastructure
    • Understanding the Business Environment II
  • PHASE III | C11-C14

    • Legal Aspects of Business
    • Digital in Business
    • Brand Management
    • Business and Role Plan (including B-Plan mentoring)
    • Organizational Development & Change
    • Family Dynamics-III
    • Financial Planning & Wealth Management
    • General Electives
    • International Business
    • Private Equity & Venture Capital
    • International Finance
    • Taxation
    • E-commerce
    • Doing business in emerging economies
    • Behavioural Decision Theory
    • Custom Elective
    • Manufacturing
    • Service
    • Retail
    • Real Estate & Infrastructure



Understanding how to handle any process in any function efficiently and effectively.


Understanding of retail market evolution, retail formats, and current dynamics (financial, non-financial) of operating, and managing a retail business.

Real Estate and Infrastructure

Practiced skills enabling participants to understand the real estate business process.


Gaining deep appreciation of congruence between product and service businesses and applying knowledge within the context of family businesses.

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