PGPDM curriculum and programme structure

PGPDM is 39 credit programme divided into three terms and culminating in a development management research project. It includes 32 courses covering development-related subjects and foundational and cutting-edge management subjects. PGPDM pedagogical and curricular innovations include:

  • Unique design and pedagogy

    While the development sector needs to draw upon the management principles to effect impact at scale, the conventional corporate management principles are inadequate for the complex social sector. The programme therefore uniquely blends the realms of development and management, harmonising theory and practice seamlessly.
  • Feasible for working professionals

    Classes and evaluations are scheduled in such a way that the students can continue working in their organisations and simultaneously apply the classroom learnings to benefit themselves, their organizations and communities they serve
  • Strong emphasis on real life problem solving

    Case studies, application exercises, field based assignments & projects all ensure application of classroom learnings to the real-life situations of participants.
  • Development management project

    A capstone project to ensure that key learnings of the programme find their way into the practical world of the students.
  • Extensive alumni network

    PGPDM graduates get full SPJIMR alumni status and get the opportunity to leverage SPJIMR and PGPDM’s extensive alumni base for networking opportunities, mentorship, and professional development
  • Volunteering opportunities with NGOs

    For professionals not from the development sector, we connect them with NGOs for volunteering opportunities organisations for practical application support
  • Regular reflections and feedback sessions

    These sessions with the Programme Chairperson in every contact help in integrating the learning from various courses, make mid-course corrections and improve the programme
  • Manthan: Book reading sessions

    To inculcate the habit of reading and learn from classic works in the social change
  • Mahir Milan

    Sessions with experts and leaders from the development sector.

Programme structure

Programme Architecture
  • Term 1

    • Personal Exploration & Empowerment Lab
    • Leadership for Development Sector
    • Fundamentals of Economics
    • Fundamentals of Marketing
    • Communication Skills
    • Understanding Society & Government
    • Excel for Development
    • Fundamentals of Strategy
    • Fundamentals of Finance
  • Term II

    • Introduction to SDGs
    • Theory of Change
    • Qualitative Research Methodology
    • Strategic People Management
    • Social Innovation, Systems and Design Thinking
    • Fundamentals of Information Technology
    • Quantitative Research & Statistical Literacy
    • Basics of Programme Design
    • Fundamentals of Branding
    • Legal Aspects & Governance of Social Sector Organisations
  • Term III

    • Management of CSR
    • Programme Evaluation & Impact Assessment
    • Management of Change
    • Fund Raising and Resource Mobilisation
    • Basics of Project Management
    • Social Entrepreneurship
    • Development Management Project (over Terms II & III)
    • Manthan (over Terms I, II & III)
    • Workshops*
    • Electives**
  • Workshops (Participants can choose any one)

    • Leading with Wisdom
    • Negotiation Skills
    • Management of Volunteers
    • Behaviour Change Communication


** Electives (participants can choose any four)

  • Advocacy and Networking
  • Public Policy: Formulation, Implementation & Analysis
  • A Historical Perspective & Philanthropy & Development
  • Development Finance
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Education System, Policy & Finance
  • Media & Social Change
  • Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)
  • Women Entrepreneurship
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