Frequently asked questions (FAQs) | PGP-MBM

  • What is the value of the programme?

    PGP-MBM has been designed to prepare executives for a continuously evolving and disruptive business landscape. It is an accelerated management programme with an application-oriented curriculum to provide insights into core areas of management, with a focus on sales and marketing. It has a strong application focus and facilitates the real-time application of classroom learning to one’s professional context. Benefitting from the learnings of the programme, participants have been able to take on higher responsibilities at their workplace. It also helps organisations to retain and manage talent more effectively.

  • What will be the class profile like?

    The class will be a mix of high-potential executives from different companies, industries, work experience, as well as locations.

  • What are application exercises?

    Application exercises are assignments where the concepts studied in class are applied to a real-life situation in the organisation that a participant represents. Application exercises reinforce the learnings garnered in class and enable a participant to understand his/her organisation much better.

    Examples of application exercises:

    Finance: Analyse the balance sheet and profit and loss statement of your company for the past five years; calculate liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and capital structure ratios; and write a report on the financial health of the company.

    Marketing: List the product categories and lines of your company and segregate the product lines based on growth, maturity and decline in potential; identify the rationale for continuing each product line-would you add/delete any product item(s) from the existing product line.

  • How is the evaluation process?

    Evaluation is a continuous process both on-campus and off-campus. The on-campus evaluation covers group work, quizzes, and exams. Off-campus evaluation is in the form of conceptual and application assignments.

  • Is it mandatory to stay on campus even if I am from Mumbai?

    Yes. Stay in the hostel is compulsory even if you are from Mumbai.

  • What happens if I miss a contact/class?

    Ideally, you should not miss classes. Work exigencies as an excuse to miss class/contact are not accepted. The fact that we are insisting on company sponsorship is to ensure that the organisational work does not come in the way of studies during the tenure of the programme. You run the risk of missing out on on-campus evaluations of group work, simulations, etc., apart from the knowledge from the class sessions and class discussions.

    Missing one contact period is equivalent to missing 15% of the on-campus sessions.

    In the extreme event of your missing classes, you will have to make up on your own.

  • What if during the programme, I am not in full-time employment for a certain period?

    During the programme, you will be required to apply the concepts to your own job context. Hence, continuous and full-time employment is mandatory throughout the programme. In the event you are in between jobs and not in employment, you will have to take a break from the programme till such time you resume full-time employment.

  • What is the selection process? Do I have to prepare for the same?

    The purpose of the admission process is to understand the ‘starting point’ of the skills and traits of a student before entering the course. What is checked is the person’s skills, such as common sense, commercial sense, communication, interaction, dealing with people, etc. The best advice we can give is that the candidate should be his/her usual ‘himself’ or ‘herself’. While it is possible to prepare oneself, it is not necessary, as can be seen from the explanation given below of what generally happens in the admission tests.

    Personal interview: You will be interviewed by two professors. The interview style is mostly conversational. In general, one need not prepare for the interview. You may brush up your communication skills and feel relaxed, focused, confident, concise and energetic.

    Group discussion: This round will include a discussion on relevant current affairs. The groups formed will be of four to six members. The topic of discussion will be either given by the professors at the time of discussion or the group may be given a choice.

    Test of reasoning: The test of reasoning is an online test with questions on quantitative ability, verbal and logical reasoning, and critical thinking and decision making. It will have 40 questions in total.

  • When will the results of the selection be announced?

    The results of the selection process will generally be announced within seven working days of the completion of the process.

  • Can I pay the fees in instalments?

    Yes, only individual applicants (not sponsored financially by their organisation) can avail of the instalment facility as per schedule.

  • What is the qualification that I will earn after successfully completing the programme?

    The successful participants are awarded a certificate of Post Graduate Programme in Marketing & Business Management by SPJIMR.

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