Jan 10, 2025

‘Mumbai is surely a complete city in my eyes’

Amay Jain, PGDM 2024-27  

The cold, wintry morning greeted me with rays of sunlight emerging over the horizon. The penetrating winds made me snuggle in my jacket as I yearned for warmth. The twitter of the birds took my mind off the cold as I listened intently. A grin spread across my face as I realised – it was time to return to Mumbai, my city, the city that never sleeps! One of the qualities of Mumbaikars that amazes me is the people’s affability. Regardless of their busy schedules, they are always at the beck and call of people and animals alike. Be it a new student to the city, a lost tourist, a dog trying to cross the road or someone who has met with an accident, the proper guidance will always reach you.

Another remarkable quality is the will, hope and ‘Never say die’ attitude of the people. The city’s spirit to fight back and emerge as a winner after just about anything is unbelievable. The 26/11 attacks are a testimony to this fact. The deaths of so many people made the city careen in shock as it burned from within, only to rise like a phoenix from its ashes, vowing never to let such events occur again. On a lighter note, Mumbai is surely a complete city in my eyes. From the largest slums to the abodes of superstars, from the tastiest street food to the elegant five stars, it is surely a ‘city of dreams’, quite literally, for each one of its citizens. There are innumerable ‘rags to riches’ stories of people who came here starry-eyed.

The nightlife is amazing. You step out at night, and it’s as if a new city has evolved. The street filled with vendors, the aroma of food stalls attracting large crowds and the hustle-bustle at night is a spectacle to witness. It’s a busy and speedy city 24/7 where people never rest or sleep! Festivals are another aspect of this city that appeals to me. Be it Ganesh Chaturthi, Holi, or any other festival, all are celebrated with equal importance and pomposity. The energy, enthusiasm and oneness of celebrations are remarkable. The streets come alive with humongous Ganesh pandals, and Holi turns the roads into rainbow-coloured streams. All these have one thing in common- bringing together people from all walks of life and showing how different cultures in Mumbai coexist happily together.

Inner beauty is great, but a little mascara never hurts. In the same way, the spirit and inner-self of the people are remarkable, but external beauty has its own poise. Such is the dazzling Queen’s Necklace of Mumbai – an area that exists at night and, as the name suggests, is truly the pearl of Mumbai. Strolling at midnight along Marine Drive or relaxing to the sound of waves crashing, Mumbai has it all!

I was ecstatic when I secured admission at SPJIMR Mumbai. I would not have to leave this city. As I started my MBA journey, I realised Mumbai, with its vibrant culture and unique essence, offered a special dimension to the SPJIMR experience. As the financial capital and a melting pot of traditions, industries, and people, Mumbai offers students one-of-a-kind exposure to real-world challenges and opportunities, fostering innovation and adaptability.

It provides access to unparalleled networking opportunities, internships, and industry engagements. Living in Mumbai introduces students to its fast-paced lifestyle and diverse professional landscape, offering new experiences and preparing them to thrive in a global business environment. By equipping students with resilience, adaptability, and a holistic perspective on life and work, the city offers one of the best immersive experiences to pursue an MBA programme. Focusing on becoming better versions of ourselves and forming a large ecosystem of like-minded people stands out and makes me feel proud to be a part of the #SPJIMR family.

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