Game theory in operations management
Industrial clusters
Resilient supply chains
Multi-disciplinary perspectives
Operations Supply Chain Management and Quantitative Methods
Shivanee holds a Ph.D. in Operations Management from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM C). She has a Master’s in Operational Research from the University of Delhi and a PG Diploma in Applied Statistics from the University of Mumbai.
Her research interests include industrial clusters, resilient supply chains and game theoretic modelling. She has explored these in her dissertation titled ‘Managing Supplier Risk and Capabilities: Essays from multi-disciplinary perspectives’, which employed multi-disciplinary perspectives from Operations and Strategic Management to study retailer-supplier relationships within an industrial cluster. Her thesis focused on the creation of robust supply networks through collective improvement.
Her academic career includes a role as a faculty member in Operations Management at the Masters’ Union School of Business, where she headed the committee in charge of experiential pedagogy and delivered courses on Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, and Statistics.
Ph.D. – 2023 Focus: Operations Management
Master of Science, 2016 Specialisation: Operational Research
Bachelor of Science, 2013 Specialisation: Statistics
Game theory in operations management
Industrial clusters
Resilient supply chains
Multi-disciplinary perspectives
Biswas, I., Singh, G., Tiwari, S., Choi, T.S. & Pethe, S. (2024). Managing Industry 4.0 supply chains with innovative and traditional products: Contract cessation points and value of information. European Journal of Operational Research. (ABDC A*|ABS 4)
Sarkar, S., Pethe, S. (2020) Market Analytics at YouGo Cabs (Ref No: IIMC-CRC-2019-09). IIMC Case Research Centre.
Operations Research
Operations Management
Statistics for Business
Assistant Professor, Operations Management Group, Masters’ Union School of Business (Aug 2022 – July 2024)