Apr 06, 2023

Exploring the Impact of A Women Leadership Programme on Female Empowerment

Table of Contents

  • A Brief Dive into Women Empowerment
  • What Are Women Leadership Programmes?
  • Benefits of a Women Leadership Programme
  • Need of Business Schools to Come Up With Women Leadership Programmes
  • Women Leadership Programme
  • Themes of the Women Leadership Programme
  • Why Pursue The Women Leadership Programme By SPJIMR?
  • FAQs
  • Infographic Representation

A Brief Dive into Women Empowerment

What according to you is women empowerment? Is it a mere role-play of feminism? Well, it is much more than that! Let us b give a short description on a Top B Schools’ in India that take on the same.

Women empowerment refers to the process of creating an environment where women can exercise their rights, make their own decisions, and live a life of dignity and respect. It involves providing women with the necessary skills, resources, and opportunities to achieve their full potential and contribute to the development of their society as a whole. This includes ensuring access to education, healthcare, and employment, as well as promoting gender equality, eliminating discrimination and violence against women, and empowering women to participate in decision-making processes at all levels.

When women are empowered, they can break the cycle of poverty, improve their own and their families’ health and well-being, and contribute to economic growth and social progress. However, achieving women empowerment requires collective efforts from governments, civil society, and the private sector to address the structural and systemic barriers that prevent women from realising their full potential.

Hence our institute, being one of the Top B Schools in India has come up with a programme to explore the impact on the same.

Now, you must be wondering what the women leadership programme can be all about.

What Are Women Leadership Programmes?

Women leadership programmes are initiatives designed to support and develop women’s leadership skills and abilities in various fields, such as business, politics, academia, and nonprofit organisations. These programmes provide women with training, coaching, mentoring, and networking opportunities to enhance their leadership competencies and build their confidence and self-esteem. They may take different forms, such as workshops, seminars, conferences, mentorship programmes, and online courses. The ultimate goal is to increase the representation of women in leadership positions and promote gender equality in all spheres of life. However, women still face numerous barriers and biases that prevent them from reaching their full potential, including lack of access to education, gender stereotypes, and cultural norms that favour men.

Women leadership programmes help breakdown these barriers by providing women with the necessary skills, resources, and opportunities to succeed. They also create a supportive and encouraging environment that empowers women to take on leadership roles and make a positive impact on their organisations and communities. Let us show some light on the benefits of a top women leadership Programme one can derive.

Benefits of a Women Leadership Programme

Women leadership programme have numerous benefits that include:

Building leadership skills: Women leadership Programmes provide women with the skills and competencies necessary to excel in leadership positions, such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and networking.

Boosting confidence: Women leadership programmes help women build their confidence and self-esteem by providing them with a supportive and encouraging environment.

Expanding networks: The Programmes offer women the opportunities to connect and network with other women leaders and industry experts, which can lead to new business and career opportunities.

Breaking down barriers: The Programmes aim to address the barriers and predisposition that prevent women from advancing to leadership positions, such as gender discrimination and lack of access to resources and opportunities.

Need of Business Schools to Come Up With Women Leadership Programmes

Business schools can play a critical role by offering women leadership programmes to help bridge the gender gap.

  • One of the main reasons why women are underrepresented in leadership roles is due to systemic gender biases that exist in the workplace. It can lead to women being overlooked for promotions, being paid less than their male counterparts, and not being given the same opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Women leadership Programmes can help address these biases by providing women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in leadership roles.
  • Another reason is because they provide women with a supportive network of peers and mentors. This network can help women develop their leadership skills, build confidence, and navigate the challenges they may face in their careers. By providing women with a supportive environment, women leadership Programmes can help women overcome the barriers they face in the workplace.
  • Moreover, offering women leadership Programmes can also be beneficial for businesses. Research has shown that companies with more women in leadership positions tend to perform better financially. This is because women tend to bring diverse perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to better decision-making and innovation. By investing in women leadership Programmes, businesses can help ensure that they have a diverse and inclusive leadership team that can drive their success.
  • Finally, offering women leadership Programmes can help businesses address the talent gap that exists in many industries. By providing women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in leadership roles, businesses can help ensure that they have a pipeline of talented women who can step into leadership positions when needed. This can help businesses avoid the costly and time-consuming process of recruiting and training new leaders from scratch.
Summary: The need for women leadership programmes in business schools is clear. By providing women with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed in leadership roles, these programmes can help address gender biases, build diverse and inclusive leadership teams, and provide businesses with a pipeline of talented women leaders.


S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR), founded in 1981 in Mumbai, is a leading postgraduate management institute that believes that to create a better world, leaders and organisations must innovate and scale wisely while maintaining humility, inclusivity, and socio-environmental sensitivity. SPJIMR’s objective is to ‘influence managerial practices and promote value-based growth’ of students, graduates, organisations, their leaders, and society at large. SPJIMR is an AICTE-approved Tier 1 MBA institute that is also accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA) in the United Kingdom. SPJIMR strives to develop responsible innovation that generates value-based growth for society through its programmes, research, and centers of practice.

Women Leadership Programme

SPJIMR (S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research) is one of the premier business schools in India, renowned for its innovative and progressive approach to management education. One of its programmes is the Women’s Leadership Programme (WLP), which is designed to empower women professionals with the skills, knowledge, and network required to succeed in leadership roles.

The WLP is a two-day programme that includes classroom sessions, experiential learning, and coaching and mentoring sessions. It is designed for mid-career women professionals who aspire to move into leadership positions or want to enhance their leadership skills. The programme focuses on developing the participants’ leadership style, communication skills, strategic thinking, and decision-making abilities. The WLP is based on a unique curriculum that is tailored to the specific needs of women leaders.

The programme is structured around three key themes-

  • Self-awareness
  • Leadership excellence
  • Social impact

Themes of the Women Leadership Programme

  • The first theme, self-awareness, is designed to help participants develop a deep understanding of themselves, their values, and their strengths and weaknesses. This is achieved through various assessments, feedback sessions, and coaching sessions.
  • The second theme, leadership excellence, is focused on developing the participants’ leadership skills. This is done through a series of classroom sessions, case studies, and experiential learning exercises. The participants learn about various aspects of leadership, such as leading change, building high-performing teams, and driving innovation. They also receive training in key functional areas such as finance, marketing, and operations, to help them understand the broader business context.
  • The third theme, social impact, is designed to help participants develop a broader perspective on leadership. They learn about the social and environmental challenges that businesses face today and explore how they can make a positive impact through their leadership. The programme also includes a social immersion project, where participants work on a real-world social challenge in collaboration with a non-profit organisation.

One of the key strengths of the WLP is its focus on networking and mentorship. The participants have access to a vast network of alumni and industry leaders who provide guidance, support, and mentorship throughout the programme and beyond. The programme also includes coaching and mentoring sessions, where participants receive personalised feedback and guidance from experienced coaches and mentors.

Why Pursue The Women Leadership Programme by SPJIMR?

The Women Leadership Programme offered by SPJIMR is an excellent choice for women professionals for several reasons. Some of them are as follows:

Empowering Women Leaders: The programme is designed to empower women professionals with the skills, knowledge, and network required to succeed in leadership roles.

Strong Network and Mentorship Opportunities: The programme offers access to a vast network of alumni and industry leaders who provide guidance, support, and mentorship throughout the programme and beyond.

Experiential Learning: The programme’s pedagogy is highly interactive and experiential. The participants are encouraged to share their experiences and perspectives, and the programme is designed to facilitate peer learning and networking.

Summary: SPJIMR is an AICTE-approved Tier 1 MBA institute that strives to develop responsible innovation that generates value-based growth for society through its programmes, research, and centers of practice.


  • What are Women Leadership Programmes?

    Women leadership Programmes are educational initiatives aimed at developing the leadership skills of women in various professional settings. These programmes provide specialised training and guidance to help women navigate their careers, overcome barriers, and succeed in leadership roles. Women leadership Programmes typically include coaching, mentorship, and networking opportunities, and cover topics such as leadership development, communication skills, and work-life balance.

  • Who is SPJIMR's Women Leadership Programme designed for?

    The SPJIMR Women Leadership Programmes are designed for women professionals at various stages of their careers that are looking to enhance their leadership skills, accelerate their career growth, and take on leadership roles. The programmes are suitable for women in various fields, including corporate, non-profit, and entrepreneurship, who aspire to make an impact in their respective domains. The programmes cater to women with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences, thereby creating an inclusive and enriching learning environment.

  • What can be achieved by pursuing SPJIMR’s Women Leadership Programmes?

    By pursuing SPJIMR’s Accelerated Women Leadership Programmes, women can enhance their leadership skills, develop a strong network, gain mentorship opportunities, and make a positive impact through socially responsible leadership.

  • What professional growth can I expect after pursuing SPJIMR’s women leadership programme?

    After completing SPJIMR’s Women Leadership Programme, you can expect:

    • Improved leadership skills and self-awareness
    • Enhanced business acumen and decision-making abilities
    • A strong network of alumni and industry leaders
    • Mentorship opportunities from experienced coaches and mentors
    • Increased confidence and readiness for senior leadership roles

Infographic Representation

Exploring the Impact of A Women Leadership Programme on Female Empowerment

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