Frequently asked questions (FAQs)| PGDM Online

  • What is the eligibility criteria for the online PGDM programme in India?

    • Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% of marks or equivalent CGPA in any discipline from a recognised university.
    • The degree awarded by an institute/university should be recognised by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
    • Candidates with relevant work experience and additional qualifications shall be given preference.
  • What will be the programme fee?

    The fee for the PGDM Online is INR 10 lakhs.

  • Is it necessary to have work experience to apply for the programme?

    Work experience, though preferred, is not mandatory for this programme.

  • What is the total intake of the PGDM Online programme?

    100 seats

  • Do I need to indicate an area of specialisation while applying for the programme?

    No. The programme offers a choice of three micro specialisations in the second year.

  • What are the class timings?

    The sessions will be scheduled in the evening post 6:00 pm twice or thrice on week days and during weekends. Each session will be of 90 minutes duration.

  • What would be the study load per week?

    The study load would be 20-25 hours/week.

  • Is attendance compulsory for all the courses?

    Yes, attendance is compulsory for all courses for an enriched learning experience.

  • In case I miss sessions, will a penalty be levied?

    Depending on the number of sessions missed, penalty will be levied as per the programme guidelines.

  • What happens in case I miss a session?

    Recordings of the session will be duly provided

  • What is the description of the diploma awarded to me?

    On successful completion of all the academic requirements of the programme, the participant will be awarded a ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Online)’.

  • Does the programme offer any specialisations?

    Yes. The programme offers a choice of three micro specialisations in the second year.

  • When does the application process begin?

    The application timelines for the January 2025 cohort will be announced soon.

  • Can I submit the form without the CAT percentiles or GMAT scores?

    You do not have to submit the CAT or GMAT scores.

  • How do I pay my application fees?

    The application fees can be paid online.

  • During online payment the amount was deducted from my bank account but the transaction Id was not generated and I am not able to submit the form. What should I do?

    You will have to reach out to us at with the payment details.

  • Who should I contact If I have a question regarding the status of the application?

    You can write to to know the status of your application and the schedule of group interviews.

  • When do I need to submit the documents to support the data I have filled in the form?

    Submission of scanned copies of the documents is part of the application process.

  • What is the selection process for the programme?

    For selection, the applicants’ overall profile and the following factors are considered:

    • Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% of marks or equivalent CGPA in any discipline from a recognised university. The degree should be awarded by an institute/university recognised by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
    • Candidates with relevant work experience and additional qualifications shall be given preference.
    • Career Aspiration

    The applicant will go through a group interview.

  • Can I reschedule my Interview date once I choose a slot?

    You will have one opportunity to reschedule interview.

  • What will be the mode of my interview if I am overseas at the time of interview?

    The interview will be conducted online.

  • How do I get a loan?

    While we do not have any tie-ups with Banks, we can certainly connect you with Banks.

  • Is there any scholarship available for programme?

    Yes the programme offers following scholarships:

      • General scholarships
      • Women’s scholarships

    Know more about PGDM Online scholarships

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