Programme genesis

In the present time, with increasing customer expectations, pricing pressure and multiple uncertainties, companies have started realising the phenomenal benefits of the use of analytics-driven decision-making in Supply Chain Management. Adaptive mathematical models are used extensively for Demand Forecasting, Capacity Planning, Production Planning, Scheduling and Logistics Management.

Clarity of objective, identifying and collecting relevant data, and using the data for developing mathematical optimisation models provide great opportunities for revenue growth, cost reduction and enhanced supply chain performance. This programme is designed to include basic theoretical concepts in Design, Strategy, Planning and Operation of Supply Chain, which is essential to develop the appropriate analytical models

Programme goals

Armed with the tools and techniques of SCM that will be offered in the programme, the participants will be able to identify and diagnose problems and risk factors in their supply chain and work out solutions. They will be able to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain practices of their respective organisations, leading to a boost in customer services and the bottom line.

Programme content

  • SCM Fundamentals
  • SCM Performance drivers & metrics
  • Relating SCM decisions to financial performance of the company
  • Design of appropriate demand forecasting system
  • In company logistics, material requirement planning
  • Design of appropriate replenishment system
  • Inventory management models and decision under uncertainty
  • Network design, location decision
  • Flow optimisation across the supply chain
  • Strategic sourcing
  • Just in time system, design of Kanban system
  • SCM Strategies
  • Material Management MIS
  • In-company Logistics
  • MRP, JIT
  • Decision under uncertainty
  • Risk Management in Supply Chain
  • DRP Model and other Quantitative Techniques

Programme Director

Prof. R. Sesha Iyer

Professor, Operations Supply Chain Management & Quantitative Methods

Department Chair, General Management

Advisor to Dean

Sesha Iyer holds a Ph.D. from the University of Mumbai, specialising in Operations Management. His career spans over five decades, with 15 years of industry engagement in Materials and Manufacturing and over 35 years of academic engagement with engineering and management institutions.

An immensely passionate educator, he pursued teaching Operations and Supply Chain Management to MBA programs at business schools as well as Management Development programs with corporates and institutions. His research interest pivots on topics of supply chain analytics and simulation techniques for project risk management.

Who should attend?

The course will be most beneficial for managers engaged in any area of Supply chain Management. Senior Managers in other functional areas like Marketing, Sales and Distribution and Finance can also attend the programme.


INR 24,900 + GST

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