Insights to lead global businesses successfully

July 14, 2023

SPJIMR Dean, Varun Nagaraj conducted an engaging session for our Global Management Programme Batch-18 with a focus on empowering our participants. GMP Batch 18 participant Tanmay Joshi elaborates that the interactive session proved to be a game-changer, amplifying their individuality and broadening their horizons. Tanmay summarises three key takeaways shared by our Dean to be successful global business leaders:

Individuality: Unleash Your Unique Potential
In today’s competitive world, embracing one’s individuality is paramount. The session emphasised the significance of recognising and leveraging one’s unique strengths, talents, and passions. Expert guidance illuminated the path towards discovering and unlocking the potential that sets us apart. By nurturing our individuality, we can stand out from the crowd and bring a fresh perspective to the global arena.

Networking: Forge Connections for Lifelong Success
Networking has long been hailed as a cornerstone of professional growth, and the session reaffirmed its pivotal role in building a successful global career. The Dean shared invaluable tips and strategies for cultivating meaningful connections across borders, industries, and cultures. By fostering a robust network of professionals, mentors, and like-minded individuals, our GMP Batch-18 can tap into vast opportunities, gain diverse insights, and create lasting partnerships that propel them towards extraordinary achievements.

Global Thought Process: Embrace Cultural Intelligence
In an increasingly interconnected world, having a global thought process is essential for navigating the complexities and intricacies of international business. The session highlighted the significance of embracing cultural intelligence, understanding and appreciating diverse perspectives, and adapting to business practices. With Dean Nagaraj’s guidance, the participants will be better equipped to tackle global challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully in a multicultural environment.

The impact of this hour-long session goes beyond mere information sharing. It has provided the GMP Batch-18 with additional support and global insights. Armed with a deepened sense of individuality, a well-connected network, and an international thought process, our students are poised to excel globally. At SPJIMR, we are committed to equipping our students with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving world.

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