GMP Batch 17 proceed to their respective international partner schools

June 22, 2023

SPJIMR bid farewell to the Global Management Programme (GMP) Batch 17 as they successfully completed their tenure at the institution, marking an important milestone in their academic journey. GMP Batch 17 started their GMP journey at SPJIMR Mumbai in January 2023. After completing their first semester at SPJIMR the participants will continue their studies to earn their MS/MBA degrees at the prestigious US partner schools, including ESB Business School, Brandeis International Business School, School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology, and USC Marshall School of Business.

As the batch prepares eagerly for their next chapters across global destinations, Prof. Milind Kamat, Chairperson, GMP, emphasised the importance of being rooted and urged, “Always stay connected to your roots.” The participants were awarded their SPJIMR Certificates and applauded for their academic accomplishments. The event was attended by SPJIMR faculty, staff and the GMP June 2023 cohort. The SPJIMR community wishes the passing out batch continued success in their future academic and professional endeavours.

SPJIMR’s Global Management Programme (GMP) is for participants aspiring to study abroad and launch their global careers. GMP partners with top-ranked management institutes across Europe, the UK and the USA to offer full-time international management programmes. The programme intakes two cohorts every year in January and June. The participants complete their first semester at SPJIMR, where they learn the fundamentals of general management. The credits earned in GMP are accepted by the international partner schools towards completion of the MBA/MS degree. GMP’s 600+ alumni in leadership positions worldwide affirm that GMP develops participants for leadership roles in global businesses. Know more

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