On Wednesday, March 8, 2017, SPJIMR’s FMB participants celebrated the FMB annual flagship fest #dhandha, a day of learning coupled with a consulting competition and a discussion on current trends in globalisation, followed by dance and fun that went on late into the evening. The fest brought together FMB and the one year MBA programme, the PGPM, making it a unique cross programme event in which PGPM took up live consulting cases offered by the FMBs.
#dhandha began with a formal inaugural in which SPJIMR Dean Dr. Ranjan Banerjee and FMB programme Head Dr. Tulsi Jayakumar spoke of why and how family businesses cannot but be global in their outlook if they have to grow and thrive. This set the stage for the morning round of discussions focused on the theme: “Family businesses in the era of globalisation: Identifying and activating new opportunities.”
The day saw FMB heavyweights address the FMB particpants and offer their insights on globalisation.
Dr. Amarnath Ananthanarayanan, Managing Director – Corporate of The Sanmar Group, the $1.5 billion privately-held business with interests in chemicals, engineering, shipping and steel castings, explained how transparency, ethics and excellence were intertwined with the aspiration to go global.
A panel comprising him and four others – Sanjay Kejriwal of Elan, Sanjay Kedia of Heathergrey Collective, Tej Contractor of Mayur C. Contractor Logistics and Pankil Sanghvi, Director of BSR & Co. LLP – later shared their ideas and experiences on globalisation for FMBs, answering questions posed by SPJIMR editor and faculty member Jagdish Rattanani.
The large idea that emerged was that FMBs could miss going global at their own peril – with opportunities galore, those who miss the bus will not only lose the opportunity to grow but also put their existing businesses at risk.
PGPM participants presented their solutions to live business cases offered by FMBs.
The PGPM team, ‘Mindbenders Consulting’, comprising Nabanita Ghosh, Abhishek Sinha, Krishna Kaushik and Aditya Prasad won the first prize at the consulting competition. The case was offered by FMB participant Piyush Agarwal.