Eastern Wisdom Traditions
Leadership Development
Executive Director, Centre for Wisdom in Leadership
Surya Tahora is a Professor in the area of general Management at SPJIMR. He teaches Spirituality and Leadership to around six hundred MBA and Executive MBA students annually and conducts workshops for various organisations in India, Europe, and Asia.
Surya is also the Executive Director of the Centre for Wisdom in Leadership (CWIL) at SPJIMR. The objective of this Centre of Practice is to create and disseminate ideas for a more responsible and sustainable society by bringing together the domains of leadership and traditions of wisdom from East to West. The Centre seeks to become a global, research-driven, and innovative platform for impacting leadership practices.
Before entering into academics and pursuing his passion for teaching, Surya Tahora had a successful career with multinational companies in Europe and Asia in senior leadership roles in Marketing, International Business Development, and Strategic Planning for 14 Years.
Equivalent to D. of Indian Philosophy, 2013
Ph.D., 1994
Focus: Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Industry
High Potential Young Manager Programme, 1993
MBA, 1988
Eastern Wisdom Traditions
Leadership Development
Jayakumar, T., Tahora, S. (2021) Danone: Leading Change by Rejigging Purpose? Ivey Publishing. https://www.iveycases.com/ProductView.aspx?id=78136
Jayakumar, T., Tahora, S. (2017) Building a Backdoor to the iPhone: An ethical dilemma. Ivey Publishing. https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/product/danone-leading-change-by-rejigging-purpose/01t5c00000D4vs2AAB
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2024). Cours d’Étude de la Bhagavad Gita –Volume 4 (Volume 4 of Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s 4,000 pages commentary on the Bhagavad Gita in 9 volumes. (French edition) ( 379 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CSDWZ85Q
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2021). Cours d’Étude de la Bhagavad Gita –Volume 3 (Volume 3 of Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s 4,000 pages commentary on the Bhagavad Gita in 9 volumes. (French edition) (252 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B09GXDD52K/
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2021). Cours d’Étude de la Bhagavad Gita –Volume 2 (Volume 2 of Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s 4,000 pages commentary on the Bhagavad Gita in 9 volumes) (French edition) (370 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B08ZTZ9H3F
Tahora, S., Majmudar,N. (2020). Vivre la Vision de l’Un: explorer la réalité et grandir (French edition of ‘Living the vision of oneness: exploring realities and growing as an individual; by same authors) (362 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B08DG5RYLK
Saraswati, S.D., Tahora, S. (2020). Cours d’Étude de la Bhagavad Gita –Volume 1 (Volume 1 of Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s 4,000 pages commentary on the Bhagavad Gita in 9 volumes.) (French edition) (235 pages) Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B084DH57J7/
Tahora, S., Shah, S., Rooney, D. (2019). Vedanta Philosophy’s Contribution to Wisdom Development for Leadership: Grounding Indian Practical Wisdom in Higher Knowledge and Purpose. In: Sternberg R., Nusbaum H., Glück J. (eds) Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems. Palgrave Macmillan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-20287-3_12
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2019). Kena Upanishad. (Kena Upanishad) (French Edition) (195 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07S775ZNV/
Saraswati, S. D., Tahora, S. (2017). Mundaka Upanishad, Tome (Mundaka Upanishad volume 2) (French edition) (252 pages).Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B073LF8C4F/
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2017). Mundaka Upanishad, Tome 1. (Mundaka Upanishad volume 1) (French edition) (198 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B073M293SG/
Saraswati,S.V., Tahora, S. (2012). Le matin à l’aube, je contemple: Pratah Smarami de Sankara (Pratah smarami by Sankaracarya) (French edition) (76 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B009M4KERY/
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2012). Introduction au Vedanta: Comprendre le problème fondamental. (Introduction to Vedanta, understanding the fundamental problem) (French edition) (128 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B009IF7K0G/
Tahora,S., Majmudar,N. (2012). Living the vision of oneness: Exploring realities and growing as an individual (274 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009ETG9OO/
Saraswati,S.D., Tahora, S. (2012). La valeur des valeurs (The value of values) (French edition) (178 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B009K2XICQ/
Saraswati,S.D.(2012).Méditations et prières: L’acceptation du passé (Meditations and prayers: The acceptance of the past) (French edition) (68 pages). Discover Vedanta Publications. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B009IF7JZ2/
Tahora, S. (Author & Presenter), The Awakened Campus Global Initiative Conference a virtual conference-Wisdom for Leadership Development, “Business & Management”, Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Columbia University and European SPES (Spirituality in Economics and Society. (November 29, 2022)
Tahora, S. (2024). 6P unified framework: Understanding wisdom in the era of Artificial Intelligence. ET Government
Leading with Wisdom
Insights & Practices for Lasting Success
Journey to Self-Mastery
The Pursuit of Mindful Leadership
The Quest for Meaning and Fulfilment
Practices to anchor yourself in a chaotic world
Contemplative Practices for Leaders
Freeing yourself from limiting mental models
Navigating intelligently through the ups and downs of life
Eastern Philosophy
Contemplative Practices
Cognitive Neurosciences
Leadership Development
Human development
Professor, Management & Society
Executive Director Centre for Wisdom in Leadership (CWIL)
Co-founder & Partner
Regional Marketing and Communication Director, Asia Pacific
Management Consultant for SME/SMI
Strategic Planning and International Business Development Director
International Sales and Marketing Manager, Distributors Operations
Executive webinar, Facing the current crisis with lucidity and calmness, EMP Programme Alumni 40 participants, 21 April 2020
Stress vs Response: Insights and practices, Huntsman, 25 participants, Mumbai, India, 4 November 2019
Dealing with challenging situations: the wisdom of resilience, Swades Foundation, Mumbai, India, 21 participants. August 7-8, 2019
Leadership insights from Indian and Chinese wisdom, CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) Entrepreneurship Leadership Camp, Mumbai, India, May 28, 2018
Navigating intelligently your leadership journey, IESE Business School, Spain & China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Mumbai, India, April 5, 2018
Mindful Leadership, TOTAL Oil Corporation, Mumbai, India, August 29, 2018
Mindful Leadership, TOTAL Oil Corporation, Mumbai, India, November 15, 2017
Mindful Leadership, TOTAL Oil Corporation, Mumbai, India, November 10, 2017
Openness & Adaptability, TOTAL Oil Corporation, Mumbai, India, September 6, 2017
Openness & Adaptability, TOTAL Oil Corporation, Mumbai, India, April 19, 2017
Mindfulness at work, Lion’s Club, Mumbai, India, September 2, 2018
Living with objectivity, Lion’s Club, Mumbai, India, September 2, 2018
Wisdom of emotions, Lion’s Club, Mumbai, India, October 2, 2018
Stress: response vs reaction, Lion’s Club, Mumbai, India, December 2, 2018
Journey to Self-Mastery: Insights & Practices, Lion’s Club, Mumbai, India, April 16, 2017 – May 14, 2017
Journey to Self-Mastery: Insights & Practices, Lions Club, Magnificence, Mumbai, India, September 4, 2016 and October 16, 2016
Managing with objectivity: the inner side of leadership, National Police Academy & University College London, Hyderabad, India, September 3,2015
Being Mindful at work, Guest Lecture, JSW Group,Mumbai, India, September 1, 2017
Guided Meditations for Executive Management Programme, SPJIMR, August 29, 2017
Meditative practices sessions for Faculty and Staff, SPJIMR, 10-22 April 2020
Self-Awareness and Contemplative Practices, SPJIMR, Staff sessions, 22 and 31 August 2018
Dhyanam: Weekly morning guided meditations for Faculty & Staff, SPJIMR, from June 13, 2016, to March 29, 2017
Mindfulness workshop for Faculty & Staff, SPJIMR, November 26-27, 2016
Contemplative practices & Eastern wisdom for Faculty & Staff, SPJIMR, April 28, 2016, to June 9, 2016
Journey to Self-Mastery: insights & practices for Faculty, SPJIMR, December 17, 2015, to January 14, 2016
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad & B.Gita chapter 3, Manjakuddi, South India, 1-10 December 2021
Atma Bodha & B.Gita chapter 12, Rishikesh, North India, 2-11 December 2019
The wise person, Anantara, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-7 October 2019
Vedanta: Inspirations for Daily Life, Speyer, Germany, 20-21 July 2019
The vision of Bhagavad Gita in our daily life, Bad-Meinberg, Germany, 12-14 July 2019
The wise person, Werbellinsee, Germany, 1-5 July 2019
Living the teaching of Gita, Berlin, Germany 27-30 June 2019
How to bring Isvara in our life, Bonn, Germany, 21-23 June 2019
Katha Upanishad, Brussels, Belgium, 14-16 June 2019
Kena Upanishad & B.Gita chapter 6, Rishikesh, North India, 1-10 December 2018
The Meditative life, Gita chap 6, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-9 Oct 2018
Mundaka Upanishad, Werbellinsee, Germany, 20 July-25 July 2018
Living the teaching of Gita, Berlin, Germany, 13-15 July 2018
The vision of Gita, Brussels, Belgium, 22-24 June 2018
Chandogya Upanishad Chapter 6, Rishikesh, North India, 1-10 December 2017
Prashna Upanishad, Kochi, South India, 3-7 November 2017
23 selected verses of the B. Gita, Bonn, Germany, 18-20 August 2017
46 Essential verses of Bhagavad Gita, Witzenhausen, Germany, 8-13 Aug 2017
Shvetashvatara Upanishad, Rishikesh, North India, 5-14 December 2016
Isha Upanishad, Gokarna, South India, 21-26 October 2016
Drk Drishya Viveka, Witzenhausen, Germany, 20-24 August 2016
Introduction to Non-Duality, 12-14 July 2015, Rabastens, France
Selected verses from Vivekacudamani, Saint Ferreol, France, 21-26 July 2014
Essential Verses of Bhagavad Gita, Saint Ferreol, France, 19-20 July 2014
The quest for the infinite: Stories from Upanishads (2 parts), 24-25 July 2021, Weekend with wisdom Advaita Academy, India
Vedanta and Leadership, 30 May 2021, Global Festival of Oneness, Advaita Academy, India
In Conversation: Understanding the essence of tat tvam asi, 4 April 2021, Hingori Sutras, India
Conversations on consciousness, 3 April 2021, Advaita Academy, India
Vedanta wisdom: about being a CEO in turbulent times, 2 July 2020, YPO Mumbai, India
Spirituality and emotional resilience, 9 February 2020, Bhatia Business Conference, Mumbai, India
Exploring realities: the vision of Vedanta, 1 June 2013, Paris, France
Aspects of Indian Philosophy, 27-29 May 2013, Toulouse, France
Objectivity, Discernment & Sagacity, the way of Vedanta, 23 May 2013, Philosophie et Management, Brussels
Individual Talk: The vision of Upanishads, September 24, 2013, Auroville
Exploring realities: the vision of Vedanta, June 1, 2013, Paris, France.
Modern life & Indian spirituality, Series of conferences, 23-28 August 2011, St Pierre, Le Port, St Denis, La Saline les Bains, Reunion Island, France
Living Hinduism: Shiva as a teacher, 19 November 2009, National Museum, Bangkok, Thailand
Oneness & Meditative Practices, 26-27 November 2016, Ayana Resort, Bali, Indonesia
Discovering Emotional Freedom: Vedanta Perspective, 5 July 2016, Indian Merchant Chamber, Mumbai, India
Harmony in relationships, 16 March 2015, Alibag, India
Dynamics of action & results: insights from the Gita, 16 February 2015, Harvard Alumni Club, Mumbai, India
Living the vision of oneness, Tuscany, Italy, 23-28 July 2019
Meaning & freedom, Château de Millemont France, 7-10 June 2019
Mahabharata & Yoga Sutras, Bonn, Germany, 29 June-1 July 2018
The quest for freedom & meaning, Loire Valley, France, 8-10 June 2018
Living Intelligently, Manjakuddi, South India, 21-25 March 2018
The teaching of Lord Shiva-Daksinamurti, Hilton Shillim, India, 21-23 April 2017
Keys to success, Dealing with failures, 12 November 2016, YPO Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
Living the Vision of Oneness, Bonn, Germany, 19-20 August 2016
Tat Tvam Asi, the fundamental equation, Hilton Shillim, North India, 8-10 April 2016
Dealing with ups and downs of life, Alibhag, India, 11-13 March 2016
The Vedantic approach to human growth, Dubai, 7-8 November 2015
Redefining Success, Hilton Shillim, India, 27-29 March 2015
Living the teaching of Gita, Anaikatti, India, 23-27 January 2015
Growing to be more objective and compassionate, Hilton Shillim Village, India, 30-31 Aug 2014
Becoming a more objective and compassionate person, South Mumbai, India, 11-12 January 2014
Living the vision of oneness, Bangkok, Thand, 30 November-1 December 2013
Guided Vedanta meditations sessions
Vedic chanting classes
Mahabharata, the greatest story ever told
Economy & Religion Programme, Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies, Budapest, since March 19, 2021
Director: Laszlo Zsolnai, Business Ethics Center, Corvinus University of Budapest
Human Values and Indian Ethos in Management: The Legacy of S. K. Chakraborty., Springer Nature, 18 June 2020 (Book)
Spiritual and Ethical Decision making with Yogic Yamas and Niyamas, Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 18 December 2020 (Research article)
Under the Centre for Wisdom in Leadership, CWIL, SPJIMR
‘Flourishing in a new era: conversations around Ethics, Sustainability and Spirituality’
Organiser and co-facilitator with Jagdish Ratnani of a series of four webinars:
‘Sustainable Futures: Well-Being in the Anthropocene’ with Dr. Paul Shrivastava, 15th Jan 2021
‘Exploring Ideas and Models on Responsible Business’ with Mr. László Zsolnai, 22nd Jan 2021
‘Progressive Business Models and Resilience’ with Eleanor O’Higgins, 29th Jan 2021
‘Spiritual based leadership in business’ with Peter Pruzan, 5th Feb 2021
‘Past Imperfect: Indian Histories of Business, Politics, and Leadership’
Co-Organiser of a series of four webinars facilitated by Dinyar Patel, conversations with:
-Mircea Raianu author of “Tata: The Global Corporation That Built Indian Capitalism” (Harvard University Press, 2021), 3rd Sept 2021
-Vinay Sitapati, author of “Half-Lion: How P.V. Narasimha Rao Transformed India”, 17th Sept 2021
-Danish Khan and Ruhi Khan, authors of “Escaped: True Stories of Indian Fugitives in London”, 8th Oct 2021
-Ross Bassett, author of “The Technological Indian” (Harvard University Press, 2016), 22nd Oct 2021