•  sreedevi.r@spjimr.org

Sreedevi R

Assistant Professor

Operations Supply Chain Management and Quantitative Methods

Sreedevi R has completed her Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, with a research focus on Operations & Supply Chain Management. She holds a master’s degree in Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, with a major in Textile Engineering.

In her career spanning 17 years, she worked with a leading textile company in India before joining Academics in 2008. Her research interest covers topics including supply chain risk management, sustainable and responsible sourcing, BoP markets & supply chains, green supply chain and logistics, and diversity & inclusion.

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Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore   

Ph.D., 2017
Focus: Operations & Supply Chain Management

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 

MTech, 2005
Major: Textile Engineering

Madras University   

BTech, 2003
Major: Textile Technology


    Supply chain risk management

    Socially responsible supply chain

    CSR and Sustainability

    BoP markets & supply chains

    Behavioural operations


    Sreedevi, R., Saranga, H., & Gouda, S. K. (2021). Impact of a country’s logistical capabilities on supply chain risk. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 28(1), 107-121. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-09-2020-0504

    Gouda, S. K., Awasthy, P., Krishnan, T. S., & Sreedevi, R. (2019). What does “green quality” really mean? The TQM Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/TQM-06-2018-0080

    Sreedevi, R., & Tanwar, T. (2018). Outsourcing–A review for research and practical applications. International Journal of Business and Economics Research7(1), 20-24. doi: https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijber.20180701.13

    Link to Google Scholar


    Bhanot, D., Narayanan, S., Sreedevi, R., DSI Annual Meeting, “Factors impacting failure of women-owned microenterprises”, DSI Annual Conference, USA. (November, 2021).

    Sreedevi, R., Saranga, H., Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, “Does Lean Manufacturing increase or reduce Supply Chain risk- an empirical investigation,” DSI Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA. (November 25, 2019).

    Sreedevi, R., DSI Annual Meeting, “Is Lean Manufacturing a risk driver or a risk mitigator?” Decision Sciences Institute, Austin, USA. (November 2016).

    Sreedevi, R., SPJIMR – POMS Conference, “Uncertainty and supply chain risk,” POMS India Chapter, SPJIMR, Mumbai. (July 2016).

    Sreedevi, R., POMS Conference, “Impact of macro level logistic capabilities on SCR – A behavioural perspective,” Orlando, USA. (May 2016).

    Sreedevi, R., ISDSI Conference, “Lean manufacturing and supply chain risk,” ISDSI, India. (January 2016).

    Sreedevi, R., DSI Annual Meeting, “Logistic Capabilities and Supply chain risk,” Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle, USA. (November 2015).

    Sreedevi, R., NITIE POMS Conference, “Does a market responsive strategy increase supply chain risk?” POMS India Chapter, NITIE, Mumbai. (December 2014).


    Bhanot, D., Narayanan, S., Sreedevi, R., & Thomasson, B. “Factors impacting failure of women-owned microenterprises – The role of crime & development”.

    Sreedevi, R., & Saranga, H. “Impact of Lean Manufacturing Practices on Supply Chain Risk”.

    Sreedevi, R., & Saranga, H. “Supply Chain collaboration as a risk mitigation strategy: the moderating role of national culture”.


    Operations Management

    Supply chain management,

    Procurement and Strategic Sourcing,

    Behavioural Operations,

    Quantitative Methods


    POMS – 2016 – EEDSA (Emerging Economies Doctoral Student Finalist Award) at the 27th POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, USA.

    US Patent: Joshi, M., Purwar, R., Udakhe, J. S., & Sreedevi, R. (2015). S. Patent No. 9,192,625. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

    GATE Scholarship, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India (2003-2005)

    University 1st Rank in B.Tech, Madras University, India (2003)


    Operations management,

    Supply chain management

    Procurement & Strategic Sourcing

    Behavioural operations

    Quantitative Methods


    S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai (Sept 2018 – present)

    Assistant Professor

    Administrative Assignments

    Associate Program Head, PGPM. (August 17, 2021 – Present).

    IIT Delhi, Industrial Research & Development Unit (March 2008 – May 2011)

    Project Associate

    Arvind Mills Ltd, Ahmedabad (June 2005 – April 2007)

    Manager, Denim Operations


    Leadership Programme in Operational Excellence, Abbott India.


    Board Member, Purnata (NGO)



    Bhanot, Disha (Co-Principal), R, Sreedevi (Co-Principal), “A Study of Women Microenterprises of Kudumbashree Programme, Kerala,” sponsored by Asian Studies Centre, Michigan State University, Other, $6,000.00. (February 24, 2021 – present).


    Sreedevi, R., Bahnot, D., “Factors affecting the likelihood of self-help groups (SHGs) graduating to microenterprises: A study of Kudumbashree Mission, “$1300. (Jan 2020 – Feb 2021)

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