Snehal Shah

Snehal Shah

Professor, Organisation and Leadership Studies

Associate Dean, Academics and Research

Snehal Shah holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. from Carnegie Mellon University, USA, with a specialisation in Organisation Behavior and Human Resources. She has 20-plus years of varied experience in Academia, Industry & Consulting in the US and in India.

Her global teaching and consulting cover a wide spectrum of topics such as Leadership, OB, Cross-culture integration, Research Methods, Business Structure and Design, HR Strategy & Analytics, and Succession Planning. Her work has been published in renowned academic journals in the US and has been presented at international conferences.

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Carnegie Mellon University

Ph.D. in Public Policy and Management
Focus: Organization Behavior & Human Resources

Master of Philosophy
Focus: Organization Behavior

Institute of Rural Management, India

MBA (PGDRM degree), 1992
Focus: Human Resources

Sydenham College, Mumbai, India

BCOM, 1990
Major: Accounting


    Her research interests are in the field of Diversity and Inclusion with a specific focus on corporate governance and career choices. Her emerging research interests include eastern wisdom traditions and intersectionality of OB concepts in other management domains


    Jha, A. K., & Shah, S. (2021). Disconfirmation effect on online review credibility: An experimental analysis. Decision Support Systems, 145, 113519.

    Haldar, A., Datta, S. and Shah, S. (2020), Tokenism or realism? Gender inclusion in corporate boards, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. 39 No. 6, pp. 707-725. Emerald Publishing.

    Jha, A. K., Shah, S. (2019). Social Influence on Future Review Sentiments: An Appraisal-Theoretic View. Journal of Management Information Systems 36 (2), 610-638.

    Link to Google Scholar


    Shah, S., Datta, S., Wadhwa, R., (2024). Strategic human resource leadership development journey: Leadership development in a phygital context. Ivey Publishing. Case: W34102.

    Datta S., Shah S. (2022); Rocky road? Driving gender diversity & inclusion in Cummins India through inclusive leadership. Emerald Publishing Limited.

    Mody, P., Shah, S. (2018). Leadership in Transition: An Infosys experience (pp. 5). Case Centre.

    Shah, S.; Machado, N; Gauda, J.; Agarwal, V. (2017). Balancing Engagement and Innovation at Bharat Petroleum. Ivey Case Study Publishing, HBSP.


    Dutta, S.; Shah, S. (2020). Chapter: Satisficing career choices of Indian women managers. Career Dynamics in a Global World: Indian and Western Perspectives, Monograph Book.

    Tahora, S.; Shah, S. (2019). Vedanta Philosophy’s Contribution to Wisdom Development for Leadership: Grounding Indian Practical Wisdom in Higher Knowledge and Purpose. Book Chapter in ‘Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems’; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Shah, Snehal (2000). “India: Caste, Commitments and Change?” Book Chapter in “International Psychological Contracts”: Sage Publication.


    Shah, S., & Dutta, S., Emergent leadership approach in a phygital paradoxical context. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management (EURAM 2024), Bath, UK. (June 25–28, 2024)

    Dhir, V. L. (Author & Presenter), Datta, S. (Author), Shah, S. (Author), 83rd Annual Meeting Conference 2023, Far yet close: An experiential e-learning model for developing relational competencies, Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (August 9, 2023)

    Shah, S., Datta, S., New age leadership development through the lens of Community of Practice (CoP), 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, Massachusetts (August 2023)

    Shah, S., Datta, S., Exploring a three dimensional model of Inclusion for enhancing gender diversity of organizations, The European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2023 Annual Conference, Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland (June 2023)

    Dhir, L., Datta, S., Shah, S., Balancing high tech & high touch: How To develop relational competencies In the experiential e-learning context, The European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2023 Annual Conference, Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland (June 2023)

    Dhir, V. L. (Author & Presenter), Datta, S. (Author), Shah, S. (Author), EURAM Annual Conference 2023, Balancing high tech & high touch: An experiential e-learning model for developing relational competencies, EURAM 2023, Dublin. (June 14, 2023)

    Shah, S., (Author & Presenter). Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference, CSR Communication and Corporate Reputation: Rethinking Contours. (January 01, 2022)

    Shah, S., (Author & Presenter). The European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2022 Annual Conference, An Integrated Model for Leadership Development in the Phygital Era: A Community of Practice Approach. (June 15, 2022)

    Datta, S. (Presenter), Shah, S., EURAM 2021 Online Conference, A Journey Towards Developing An Inclusive Workplace: The Case of Cummins India. (June 18, 2021)

    Shah, S. (Author), EURAM 2020 ONLINE CONFERENCE, Career Choices Of Indian Women Managers: Lens Of Bounded Rationality, Trinity College, Ireland. (December 6, 2020)

    Datta, S. (Author & Presenter), Shah, S. (Author), Srinivasan, V. (Author), Baral, R. (Author), 79th Academy of Management and Annual Meeting Program, Industry-Academic Collaboration: An inclusive agenda for growth, Boston. (August 11, 2019)

    Datta, S. (Author & Presenter), Shah, S. (Author), Haldar, A. (Author), 79th Academy of Management and Annual Meeting Program, Tokenism or realism? Gender inclusion lens for corporate boards & ownership structure in India, Boston. (August 11, 2019)

    Datta, S. (Author & Presenter), Haldar, A. (Author & Presenter), Shah, S. (Author & Presenter), EURAM 2019, Does ownership structure drive women representation on corporate boards – evidence from India, Lisbon. (June 26, 2019)

    Shah, S. (Author & Presenter), Strategic Management Society (SMS) India Conference, Deans’ conclave on the future of business schools, Hyderabad (December 16, 2018)

    Shah, S., Datta, S., Academy of Management Annual Conference, Satisficing Career Chokes of Indian Women Managers, Illinois, Chicago, USA. (August 10, 2018)

    Shah, S., Banerjee, R., Academy of Management Annual Conference, Future Well-being of management education: Historical Perspective, Illinois, Chicago, USA. (August 10, 2018)

    Shah, S., Banerjee, R., Puliyel, T., Business Academia Conclave, How can Indian Organizations become Innovative, SPJIMR, Mumbai. (September 2017)

    Shah, S. (Author & Presenter), 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Influencing the Influencers: Bandwagon Effect of Online Product Review Behavior. (June 2017)

    Haldar, A. (Presenter), Shah, S. (Presenter), Datta, S. (Presenter), 26th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology, Social Psychology of Corporate Governance in India: Implications for Diversity, IIT Madras, Chennai. (December 29, 2016)

    Shah, S., Thought Paper for the CII Conference on Compassionate Leadership, A Myth or A Cure? Compassionate Leadership in the Workplace, Hyderabad. (2012)

    Shah, S. (Presenter), Rousseau, D. M. (Presenter), SIOP conference (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology), Perceived legitimacy and Unilateral Psychological Contract Changes, San Diego. (1996)


    Shah, S., Dwivedi, V. (2020). Solving the Work-From-Home Conundrum. Singapore Management University’s Asian Management Insights, 7(2).

    Dwivedi, V., Shah, S. (2020). WFH is not the ‘Work-Family-Heaven’ we were hoping for!. People Matters.

    Shah, S. (2018). Happiness and Yoga (4th ed., vol. 25). Yoga Rahasya.

    Shah, S. (2018). An Apple-Orange Paradox? Reinventing the Performance Management System.

    Shah, S. (2018). Man’s evolved avatar: Cyborgs may be able to ward off the existential threat from artificial intelligence. The Times of India.

    Shah, S., Jha, A. (2017). Co-opetition as a framework for technology start-ups. Asian Management Insights, Singapore Management University.

    Shah, S., Jha, A. (2017). Collaborating with your direct business competitors. MINT.

    Shah, S. (2014). Success mantra for holistic development. The Financial Express.

    Tahora, Z. M., Shah, S. (2017). Going Beyond Leadership Development. Business Today.

    Shah, S., Machado, N., Gauda, J., Agarwal, V. (2017). Bharat Petroleum: Balancing Engagement & Innovation. Ivey Publishing.

    Shah, S., Banerjee, R. (2016). Design thinking as a tool for HR transformation (10th ed., vol. VII, pp. 32-33). People Matters Magazine.

    Shah, S. (2015). New Age leadership competency: mindfulness decoded. Human Capital magazine.




    MBA/Masters level Courses

    Principles of Management (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

    Personal Growth Lab (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

    Business Research Methods (2016, 2017)

    HR Analytics (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

    Measurement in Social Sciences (2019, 2020)

    Diversity and Inclusion (2019)

    HR Strategy (2010-2014)

    Global HR (2010-2014)

    D. Level Courses

    Introduction to Research (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

    IIM (Sambalpur)

    Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (2021)


    MIP – Italy

    Innovation and Creativity (2014)


    NC State University

    Change Management (Masters Level) (2000-2001)

    Applied Research Methods (Doctoral Level) (2000-2001)


    Best Paper Award in the OBHR track at the EURAM 2023 Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland., Trinity Business School- Dublin (2023)

    Best Paper Award for Innovative Research in 3rd Conference organized by Aston India Centre for Applied Research held at Aston University, Birmingham, England in 2019

    Academic Game Changer Award for the Best HR Program in the Country – School Of Inspired Leadership

    Special recognition for Excellence in Project Performance, Nortel Networks

    Client Satisfaction Award for project management, McNeil Research, and Evaluation Associates



    Panelist, “Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition Using Artificial Intelligence,” HR Summit organized by National HRD Network, Mumbai Chapter, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (November 2, 2019)

    “Deans’ Conclave on The Future of Business Schools,” Strategic Management Society (SMS) India Conference, Hyderabad, Telangana, India (December 16, 2018)

    SHRM HR Excellence Awards 2018,” Society for Human Resource Management (India), New Delhi, India (September 26, 2018 – September 27, 2018)


    Founder and Ceo, I2v Solutions

    Consulting assignments in the area of HR Analytics, Leadership Assessment, and Executive Coaching.

    Academic involvement as a Visiting Faculty, Case Study Writing, and Research

    Vice President of Leadership Development at Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina

    Initiatives such as Talent Management, Culture Assessment (specifically with regard to acquisition integration), and Evaluation of Leadership Development programs.

    Consultant, SOIL (Grow Talent Company)

    A senior member of the Consulting team that guided blue-chip clients in the area of HR Strategy, Talent Development, Executive Coaching, Succession Planning, and Change Management.

    Researcher at McNeil Research and Evaluation Associates

    Led projects to improve the effectiveness of Department of Labor Programs (Impact Assessment)

    Academic Faculty

    Taught courses in Europe, US, and India – Innovation and Creativity, HR Strategy, Global HR, Organization Behavior, Organizational change and learning (Masters level), and Statistics and Applied Research Methods (Doctoral level).

    TV Rao Learning Systems

    Senior Consultant. Led projects on Competency Mapping, 360-degree Feedback, Executive Coaching, and Change Management

    Administrative Assignments

    Member, Managing Committee. Top Leadership Team at the Institute

    Head, Office of Research & Research

    Chairperson, Fellow Programme in Management

    Professor, Organization Behavior & Human Resources


    Consultant, SOIL (Grow Talent Company)

    A senior member of the Consulting team that guided blue-chip clients in the area of HR Strategy, Talent Development, Executive Coaching, Succession Planning, and Change Management.

    TV Rao Learning Systems

    Senior Consultant. Led projects on Competency Mapping, 360-degree Feedback, Executive Coaching, and Change Management


    Masterclass on HR Analytics – SHRLJ (2021)

    Management/Executive Development, Bank of America (November 1, 2019 – November 3, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Bank of America (October 31, 2019 – November 2, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Bank of America (October 30, 2019 – October 1, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Pidilite (July 5, 2019 – July 10, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Total Oil India Ltd (June 6, 2019 – June 7, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Total Oil India Ltd (June 4, 2019 – June 6, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Bharti Axa General Insurance (April 15, 2019 – April 16, 2019)

    Management/Executive Development, Total Oil India Ltd (December 5, 2018 – December 7, 2018)

    Management/Executive Development, Bank of America, Westin, Goregaon (November 20, 2018 – November 22, 2018)

    Management/Executive Development, Total Oil India Ltd (August 27, 2018 – August 29, 2018)

    Management/Executive Development, SPJIMR (June 7, 2018 – June 8, 2018)

    Management/Executive Development, MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. (June 5, 2018 – June 8, 2018)

    Management/Executive Development, TOTAL Oil Corporation (November 13, 2017 – November 15, 2017)

    Management/Executive Development, TOTAL Oil Corporation (November 8, 2017 – November 10, 2017)

    Management/Executive Development, TOTAL Oil Corporation, 14 participants. (September 6, 2017 – September 8, 2017)

    Management/Executive Development, TOTAL Oil Corporation, 18 participants. (April 19, 2017 – April 21, 2017)

    Management/Executive Development, TOTAL Oil Corporation, 12 participants. (April 11, 2017 – April 13, 2017)


    Academic, Total Oil India Ltd, Mumbai (2016 – 2019)

    For-profit organization, Jet Airways, Mumbai (2015 – 2016)

    For-profit organization, BPCL, Mumbai (June 2014 – March 2016)

    Academic, School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) (January 2011 – May 2014)

    For-profit organization, ABN Amro, Mumbai (2009 – 2010)


    Member, Jai Hind College, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (March 12, 2020 – Present)

    Member – Managing Committee, SPJIMR, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (April 2016 – Present)

    Member of Selection Committee, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (January 25, 2021)

    Subject Expert member of Faculty Selection Committee, IIM Sambalpur, Sambalpur, Odisha. (July 31, 2020)

    Track Chair, K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (January 30, 2020 – January 31, 2020)

    Panel Member – Panel Discussion, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (December 12, 2019)

    Member, Jai Hind College, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (October 4, 2019)

    Member, Jai Hind College, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (April 12, 2019)

    Session Chair, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (December 11, 2018)

    Speaker, HR Summit: “Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition using Artificial Intelligence”. (November 2, 2018)

    Speaker, BSE India, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (June 21, 2018)

    Speaker, International Yoga Day activities at BSE India, Mumbai, Maharashtra. (June 21, 2018)

    SPJIMR, Business-Academia Conclave at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai. (2017)



    ADMAP Committee


    Member and Faculty for HR Analytics, National HRD Network.

    Academy of Management. (2018 – Present)

    Faculty Member, Society of Human Resource Management. (2012 – 2014)

    D. Student Member, Academy of Management, USA. (1996 – 2001)

    Member, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, USA. (1996 – 2001)


    Certified Independent Director from IoD

    Certified Project Management Professional from PMI

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