•  shabbir.husain@spjimr.org

ShabbirHusain R.V.

Associate Professor, Marketing

Chairperson, Post Graduate Executive Management Programme (PGEMP) and
Post Graduate Programme in Marketing and Business Management (PGP-MBM)

ShabbirHusain R.V. is a faculty member in the Marketing area at SPJIMR. He has completed Fellowship Programme in Management (FPM) from Xavier Labor Relations Institute, Jamshedpur, and holds Post Graduate Diploma in Management from IIM Calcutta.

His career spans over 20 years, in which he was engaged with leading consulting firms before joining academics. His research interest includes Sustainability Consumer behaviour, and Online Consumer Behaviour, and has presented his intellectual contributions through journal publications and conference presentations.

He had previously conducted administrative responsibilities as Associate Programme Head for SPJIMR Post Graduate Programme in Management and as the Deputy Programme Chairperson for Post Graduate Programme in General Management at SPJIMR.

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Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI)

FPM, 2019
Major: Marketing

Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM Calcutta)

PGDM, 2006
Major: General Management

Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT)

BE, 2001
Major: Electronics & Communication


    Sustainability and Consumer behaviour

    Online Consumer Behaviour


    Biswas, J., Husain R.V., S., Varshney, S., (2024). Medical tourism motivations: An integrated framework encompassing source and destination characteristics. Rutgers Business Review (2024), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.40-57. Rutgers Business School. https://rbr.business.rutgers.edu/article/medical-tourism-motivations-integrated-framework-encompassing-source-and-destination

    R.V., S., Annamalai, B. and Chandrasekaran, S. (2024), What to say: Demystifying tourism content marketing strategy, Tourism Review International, Cognizant Communication Corporation. https://doi.org/10.3727/194344224X17065495994341

    R.V., S., Annamalai, B. and Chandrasekaran, S. (2024), Consumer behavior in Islamic banking: a systematic literature review and agenda for future research, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print. Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMA-06-2023-0195

    ShabbirHusain, R.V., Annamalai, B. and Chandrasekaran, S. (2023), Global multi-sport events: content strategy for driving fan engagement on Twitter, Sport, Business and Management, Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-10-2022-0094

    ShabbirHusain, R.V., Pathak, A.A., Chandrasekaran, S. and Annamalai, B. (2023), “The power of words: driving online consumer engagement in Fintech”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-11-2022-0519

    S Tawde, R Kamath, R.V. ShabbirHusain. (2023). Mind will not mind–Decoding consumers’ green intention-green purchase behaviour gap via moderated mediation effects of implementation intentions and self-efficacy. Journal of Cleaner Production. Elsevier ScienceDirect. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135506

    S Chandrasekaran, RV ShabbirHusain, B Annamalai (2022). Social media and Tourism: a cross-platform study of Indian DMOs. Current Issues in Tourism. Taylor & Francis Online. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2022.2142098

    Biswas, J., Husain R.V., S. (2022). Role of Celebrity Image-Congruence in Predicting Travel Behaviour Intention. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism. https://doi.org/10.5614/ajht.2022.20.1.05

    A Ghosh, S Varshney, Husain R.V. (2022). Social Word of Mouth valence and role of moderators: An integrated model of consumer decision making. Journal of International Technology and Information Management. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/jitim/vol31/iss1/1/

    B Annamalai, RV ShabbirHusain, S Chandrasekaran, S Varshney. (2022). Cultural differences in sports fan engagement on Facebook: a comparison of Australian and Indian cricket league. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSMM.2022.121251

    R.V., S. and Varshney, S. (2022), Investigating combined effect of WOM and eWOM: role of message valence, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 180-190. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCM-08-2020-4047

    Husain R.V., S., Varshney, S. (2022). Green offering: More the centrality, greater the scepticism. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12208-021-00324-0

    Husain R.V., S., Varshney, S., Venugopal, P., Thakur, M. (2021). Understanding consumer preference between bundled and unbundled green offerings. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1080/10495142.2021.1941497

    Biswas, J., Husain R.V., S. (2020). Role of Variety Seeking and Perceived Monetary Value on Tourist Intention – a Developing Country Perspective. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 18(2), pp. 74-83. http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/ajht/issue/view/944

    Husain R.V., S. (2020). Review of literature on green consumer behaviour over 25 years (1994- 2018). The Marketing Review, 20(1-2), 45-61(17). Westburn Publishers Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1362/146934720X15929907504085

    Husain R.V., S. (2018). Sales Force Structure: A Review. The Marketing Review, 18(3), 227-242. Westburn Publishers Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1362/146934718X15434305916826

    Husain, S. R., Varshney, S. (2018). Is current way of promoting sustainability, sustainable? Journal of Non-profit and Public Sector Marketing, 31(1), 84-113. Taylor & Francis Online. https://doi.org/10.1080/10495142.2018.1526735

    Husain R.V., S. (2018). Sales control and performance: Moderating effects of salesperson and supervisor characteristics. The Marketing Review, 18(1), 55-69. Westburn Publishers Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1362/146934718X15208754808216

    Link to Google Scholar


    Kamath, R., Husain R.V., S. (2023). Captain Fresh: Value fishing across segments(pp.12 pages). Ivey Publishing.

    Kamath, R., Husain R.V., S. (2022). CavinKare’s Indica Easy: Launching Shampoo Hair Colour (pp.12 pages). Ivey Publishing.

    Pathak, A. A., Husain R.V., S. (2017). Udaipur Times: Strategy of a Hyperlocal News Website (pp.12 pages). Ivey Publishing.


    Biswas, J., Husain, S. R. (2019). Role of Self-Congruity in Predicting Travel Intention. Methodological Issues in Management Research: Advances, Challenges, and the Way Ahead, Emerald Publishing Limited (pp. 261-267). https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-973-220191015


    Tawde, S., Sharma, R. W., Kamath, R., HusainS., R. V., “Exploring green consumers’ skepticism –perceived value association: What lowers green consumers’ negative evaluations?'”, 17th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference @ at Chennai (December 2023)

    HusainS., R. V., Kamath, R., “Consumer behavior in the metaverse: a review, synthesis and research agenda”, 11th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing- Island of Corfu (July 2023)

    HusainS., R. V. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Responsible Marketing, “Painting the world green, but not greenwashing,” Centre for Global Management and Responsible Leadership at XLRI, Jamshedpur organised in collaboration with La Trobe University, Australia. (January 24, 2017)


    Marketing Management

    Business to Business Marketing

    Digital Marketing

    Markstrat – Marketing Simulation

    Marketing Capstone Project


    InsideIIM’s Best Professor at SPJIMR in 2020-2021

    InsideIIM’s Best Professor at IIM Raipur in 2019-2020


    Marketing Management

    Digital Marketing

    Business-to-Business Marketing


    S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai (Mar 2020 – Now)

    Assistant Professor – Marketing

    Administrative Assignments

    Chairperson, Post Graduate Executive Management Programme (PGEMP) and
    Post Graduate Programme in Marketing and Business Management (PGP-MBM) (January 2024 – present)

    Deputy Programme Chairperson, Post Graduate Programme in General Management (June 2023 – January 2024)

    Associate Programme Head, PGPM, Programme, SPJIMR (April 1, 2020 – April 30, 2022)

    Indian Institute of Management Raipur (June 2019 – February 2020)

    Assistant Professor – Marketing

    Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur (July 2013 – May 2019)

    Manager, Corporate Relations

    Phoenix International Business School (January 2009 – June 2013)

    Founder, Director

    Tata AIA Life (February 2008 – December 2008)

    Manager, Corporate Planning

    Boston Consulting Group (July 2006 – January 2008)

    Senior Associate

    Tata Consultancy Services (July 2001 – May 2004)

    Assistant Systems Engineer


    Conducted MDP sessions for Abbott, Alkem, Bosch, Tata Power, GSK, Merck Group, MSD, Pidilite etc.

    Digital Marketing: Programme Manager and Delivery partner for Open MDP


    Board Member, The Udaipur Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. (July 2011 – August 2022)

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