Barriers, Drivers of Adoption of New Generation Technologies /Services In:
Marketing & Market research,
Platform Business & Ecosystems
Higher Education Institutes for Learning.
Creating impact in social sectors
Chairperson, Global Management Programme
Milind Kamat is currently pursuing his doctoral programme at the University of Bradford, UK, and is a faculty in Information Management and Analytics. Currently, he also serves as the Chairperson of the Global Management Programme at SPJIMR. Before joining academics in 2019, he conducted leadership roles in C-level capacities, steering IT companies of high repute.
As a senior industry executive with a career spanning 35 years, he has been appointed as CEO Of Atos India and Executive Vice President of Atos group, a leading French MNC offering IT services and consultancy. His research efforts are centred on New Generation Digital Technologies /Services, their Barriers and Adoption, Social media marketing, and Big data Mining.
Pursuing Doctoral programme
Focus: Artificial intelligence and Impact on Social media marketing
Post Graduate Programme in Leadership and Transformation Management, 2004
Major: Leadership, Business transformation
Master’s in financial management, 1989
Major: Financial Management, Cost Management, Global economics, Direct Taxation in India
BE, 1981
Major: Digital Computers, Digital electronics, Instrumentation, Control systems
Marketing & Market research,
Platform Business & Ecosystems
Higher Education Institutes for Learning.
Creating impact in social sectors
Haldar, A., Kamat, M., “Power of words: Linguistic framework for CSR communication”, International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Decent Work in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals-FLAME University, Pune. (March 2024).
Kamat, M. (Panelist), CII East, “Opportunities for IoT in India,” CII East, India. (March 2014).
Kamat, M. (Panelist), CII East, “Opportunities for IoT in India,” CII East, India. (March 2016).
Kamat, M. (Panelist), NASSCOM Leadership Forum, “Developing skills for digital Era,” NASSCOM Leadership Forum, India. (February 2015).
Technology consulting
Technology business development
Digital Transformation
Enterprise Architecture & M&A
Data Science using Excel, R, Python
Information technology strategy
Business analytics
Digital Technologies in Business
Big Tech, Platforms, Ecosystem & Business Strategy
Business Development
Industries 4.0
Digital Transformation Using IoT
Additive Manufacturing
Leadership & Management
Change Management
Chairperson, GMP, Programme. (Jun 2021 – Present)
Associate Professor (Oct 2020 – Present)
Adjunct Faculty (Jan 2020 – Oct 2020)
Visiting Faculty (Jan 2018 – Dec 2019)
Visiting Faculty
Faculty–management development programmes
Executive Vice President & CEO
Vice President and CEO
Manager – Financial services
Visiting Faculty
For-profit organisation Jonson control USA (March 2009)
For-profit organisation Jonson control USA (January 2011)
For-profit organisation Oil Marketing companies, India. (2017)
For-profit organisation Electrolux, Asia. (2016)
For-profit organisation Siemens, Mumbai. (January 2015)
Management/Executive Development, Bajaj Finance. (March 11, 2020 – March 13, 2020)
Digital leadership, TATA AIA executive development programme, Dec 2021/Jan 2022
Digital Transformation, Open MDP batches running with ETCIO collaboration from Oct 2021
Blockchain and Impact on Accounting profession, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Faculty: Commerce Colleges in India
Independent Director, Allied Digital. (June 11, 2020 – Present)
Advisory Board Member, TMSV EDUTECH Pvt Limited. (February 14, 2020 – Present)
Advisory Board Member, Vittiai. (June 1, 2019 – Present)
NHRD lifetime membership
Association of Information system