“Literature Survey on Career Choices of Successors In Family Businesses In India”, coauthor with Rajiv Agarwal and Arya Kumar. “Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 5(1), 2016, pp 1-19.
“Successors in Indian Business Families: A DemographAppeic Sample Study”, coauthor with Rajiv Agarwal and Arya Kumar, Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 4(4), 2015, pp 201-208.
“A Study Of The Factors Influencing Successors’ Choices In Indian Family-Managed Businesses”, coauthor with Rajiv Agarwal, and Arya Kumar, Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 4(3), 2015, pp 128-136.
“Managerial Work Values of Aspiring Gen Y Managers”, coauthor with Ravindra Dey, International Journal of Management Development and Training, 1(1), March 2014, pp 118-133.
“Demographic Profiling of the Locus of Control of Employees: Evidence from India” (co-author with Upasna Agarwal and Usha Chavali, Management and Labour Studies, 38(4), 2013, 335-356.
“Organization Structure and Innovation” (coauthor with Anjan Bhowmick), National HRD Network Journal, 5(2), April 2012, pp 25-31.
“Transformational Leadership: The Link between P-O Fit, Psychological Contract & Signature Experiences” (co-author with Upasana Aggarwal), Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(3), pp 485-497, 2012.
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“Responding to Globalization” HRD Newsletter 9 (1&2) pp 3 (1993).
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“Towards Socially Relevant HRD” HRD Newsletter 8(3) pp 2 & 23 (1992).
“New Directions in HRD” HRD Newsletter 7(4) pp 2 (1992).
“Attitudes and Perceptions of Prospective Managers about HRD: Implications for Career Choice” (co-author with Sumita Dutta), HRD Newsletter 8(3) pp 5-7 (1992).
“Building Management Capabilities of Voluntary Organizations in Development” Management and Labor Studies 17(4) pp 183-192 (1992).
“The Great Placement Bazaar” Business India (April 1990).
“Blind in India: Challenge and Promise” (coauthor with Hari Das), Udayam, (Canada), 2(1) pp 15-18 (1989).
“Issues in OB and HRD: Indian and Western Perspectives” HRD Newsletter 5(2-3) pp 3-8 (1989).
“Value Issues in Organization Development” (co-author with N Khosla & N Srinath), HRD Newsletter, 5(2-3) pp 16-18 (1989).
“New Challenges in Organization Development” K-Man 1(2) pp 37-40 (1988).
“A Critical Look at Training in Industry” Indian Journal of Training and Development16(1) pp 12-15(1986).
“Organizations as Agents of Social Change” Vikalpa, 9(3) pp 233-257 (1984).
“QWL: An Evolutionary Perspective” Abhigyan pp 1-15 (1984).