Dhrithi Mahadevan
  •  dhrithi.mahadevan@spjimr.org

Dhrithi Mahadevan

Assistant Professor, Marketing

Dhrithi Mahadevan is Assistant Professor of Marketing at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research. She has a Ph.D. in Marketing from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB). Her primary area of research relates to examining customer experience in platform-based services. She has received several prestigious national and international awards for her research, including the AMS-Sheth Award, NASMEI-Raj Sethuraman Award and AIM-Sheth Award.

Dhrithi’s core interest areas include customer experience, sharing economy, and services marketing. Her other research interests include sustainability, green marketing and pro-social behaviours. Methodologically, Dhrithi is trained as a mixed-method researcher and has used text-mining, econometric, and experimental-based techniques in her thesis research. Her research work has been selected for peer-reviewed international conferences (SERVSIG, AMA, NASMEI) and is being considered for publication in leading journals in the field.

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Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Ph.D. in Marketing 2023, Title: Essays on Customer Experience in Access-Based Services

R.V. College of Engineering

BE, Major: Electronics & Communication


    Customer experience, services marketing

    Platform economies, sharing economy

    Green marketing, pro-social behavior, sustainability


    Mahadevan, D., Bilgihan, A., (2024). Great remains great, weak becomes weaker? Examining the influence of platform’s signaling cues on provider performance,
    International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 122, ScienceDirect, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103877.

    Mahadevan, D., Shainesh, G. (2024). Conceptualizing customer experience in multi-actor platforms. Academy of Marketing Science Review, Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13162-023-00272-4.

    Mahadevan, D., Shainesh, G. Conceptualizing Customer Experience in Multi-Actor Platforms, Academy of Marketing Science Review. – Under 3rd Revision. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13162-023-00272-4.

    Deeptha, A., Muthanna, D., Dhrithi, M., Pratiksha, M., & Kariyappa, B. S. (2016). Design and optimization of 8-bit ALU using reversible logic. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) May 2016, (pp. 1632-1636). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/7792522/7807761/07808109.pdf.

    A. Deeptha, M. Drishika, M. Dhrithi, M. Pratiksha and B S Kariyappa. (2016). A novel method of testing a reversible ALU, GE-International Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2016, pp: 20-25. Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties (aarf.asia).

    Link to Google Scholar


    Lyndem, P.K., and Mahadevan. D. (2018). “Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords”, HBS Case (IMB713-PDF-ENG).


    Mahadevan, D. (2023). Chapter 2: Sustainability in services: Issues, challenges, and implications. International service management in the context of sustainable development by the Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice 2023. Read more


    Mahadevan, D., “Share the credit, pass the blame: Examining the role of signalling cues on spillover effects of customer experience in peer-to-peer platforms (Paper is one among the 4 papers selected for special session presentation)”, American Marketing Association, 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference. (February 2024).

    Mahadevan, D., “Great remains great, poor becomes poorer? Examining the influence of platform’s signalling cues on provider performance”, SPJIMR Chicago Booth India Quantitative Marketing Conference 2023, SPJIMR Mumbai (December 2023).

    Sekhri, S., Mahadevan, D., “Free to feel: Can sustainable messaging cues influence consumers’ switching intentions in e-commerce retail?”, 17th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference, Chennai (December 2023).

    Mahadevan, D., (2022). The 16th NASMEI International Marketing Conference, “Great Remains Great, Poor Becomes Poorer? Examining How Platform’s Signaling Cues Influence the Relationship Between Customer Experience and Provider Performance”, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai. (December 19-20).

    Mahadevan, D., (2022). The 16th NASMEI International Marketing Conference, “Share the Credit, Pass the Blame? Examining the Role of Spillover Effects of Customer Experience in Access-Based Services”, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai. (December 19-20).

    Mahadevan, D., (2022). The 12th SERVSIG Conference, “To Blame or To Praise: An Analysis of Customer Experience Attributions in Access-Based Services”, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. (June 16-18).

    Mahadevan, D., (2022). IIM Calcutta – Stern NYU Marketing Conference (Online). “The Impact of Platform’s Signaling Efforts on Customer Experience: The Case of Access-Based Services”, (January 24-25).

    Mahadevan, D. (2021). Winter AMA Conference (Online), “A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Customer Experience in Access-Based Services”, (February 17-19).

    Mahadevan, D. (2021). AIM-Sheth Doctorial Consortium (Online), “Customer Experience Attribution in Access-Based Services”, (June 28-29).

    Mahadevan, D. (2021). Academy of Marketing Science Conference (Online), “Customer Experience in Access-Based Services: A Framework and Implications for Research”, (June 2-3).


    Winner of the Raj Sethuraman Research Grant for doctoral research work, “Share the Credit, Pass the Blame: Examining the Role of Signaling Cues on Spillover Effects of Customer Experience in Access-Based Services”, at the 16th North American Society for Marketing Education in India (NASMEI), 2022.

    Winner of the AMS Review-Sheth Foundation ADCCA Award for the best conceptual research proposal in Marketing, “Customer Experience in Access-Based Services: A Conceptual Framework and Implications for Research”.

    Winner of the AIM-Sheth research award for the best research proposal in Marketing Strategy track, “Customer Experience Attribution in Access-Based Services”.


    Services Marketing, Customer Experience Management,

    Digital Marketing, Market Research Methods

    Sustainability, Green Marketing Strategies


    Invited Speaker Invited Speaker to Panel Discussion on Higher Secondary Education focusing on “Does the higher secondary education system need a paradigm shift?” Organized by Chairman of Deeksha Centre for Learning, (November 2018)

    Moderator of Panel Discussion on “B2B and B2C: Challenges and opportunities for growth and adoption of solar energy and electric mobility”, Review of Event: https://www.ifcci.org.in/news/n/news/bangalore-a-launch-event-to-bangalore-sunpedal-ride.html



    Mahadevan, Dhrithi (Principal), Sekhri, Sukriti (Principal), “Large research grant,” sponsored by SPJIMR, Mumbai, S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, $2,943.00. (October 4, 2023 – present).

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