Cross-functional focus with interest in areas such as:
Climate change and Carbon neutrality
Innovation and Sustainable Development
Digital Disruptions
Consumer, Investor, Employee and Firm behaviour
With a Ph.D. in Management Studies and an MBA in finance and marketing, Shalini has a cumulative work experience of over 26 years in industry and academia. Her professional interests are spread across three key domains – teaching, research, and editorial responsibilities. She also has academic associations with Universities in Norway and Finland. In addition to her academic experience, Shalini has extensive training experience, having designed and delivered sessions for faculty and corporate executives on various topics.
Shalini has been collaborating with different research groups worldwide, and her work has appeared in high-impact journals listed in the internationally recognised ABDC and ABS (AJG) journal lists. As a researcher committed to cross-functional and multi-disciplinary studies, Shalini’s ongoing work focuses on contemporary areas, including but not limited to sustainability, innovation, pro-environmental behaviour, investor behaviour, firm behaviour, and digital disruptions. She has extensive experience as an editor and currently holds three editorial positions. In addition, she is associated with several high-impact journals as an ad-hoc reviewer. Shalini’s repertoire of diverse experience also includes leading projects for establishing an FM community radio station, IGNOU Study Centre and an engineering college.
Ph.D. Management Studies. 2003
MBA: 1996. Major: Finance, Minor: Marketing
Climate change and Carbon neutrality
Innovation and Sustainable Development
Digital Disruptions
Consumer, Investor, Employee and Firm behaviour
Talwar, S., Jain, M., Rastogi, R., Kaur, P., and Dhir, A. (2024). Policy stimulation for the electric vehicle industry: An analysis of mainstream media discourse. Business Strategy and the Environment. Published.
Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Raj, S., Sampat, B., and Nicolau, J. L. (2024). A Time-lagged Examination of Voluntary and Task-related Green Behavior in the Travel Industry. Journal of Travel Research. Published.
Talwar, S., Luqman, A., Zhang, Q., Bhatia, M., and Dhir, A. (2024). Artificial intelligence and corporate carbon neutrality: A qualitative exploration. Business Strategy and the Environment. Published.
Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Luqman, A., Gupta, J., and Gugnani, R. (2023). Charting the path toward a greener world: A review of facilitating and inhibiting factors for carbon neutrality. Journal of Cleaner Production, 423, 138423.
Talwar, S., Luqman, A., Kaur, P., Srivastava, P., and Mishra, S. (2023). How social networking ties mediate the associations between enterprise social media affordances and employee agility?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 195, 122759.
S. Talwar, R. Nawaz, J. Sithipolvanichgul, B. Gupta and A. Dhir. (2023). Strategic and Serendipitous Knowledge Arbitrage: What We Know and What Remains Underexplored?, in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3293170
A. Shankar, S. Talwar, N. Islam, S. Mukhtar Alshibani and P. Sharma. (2023). Demystifying the Impact of Service Recovery Strategies: Evidence From Healthcare and Telecom Sectors, in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3285152
Habib, M. D., Kaur, P., Sharma, V., and Talwar, S. (2023). Analyzing the food waste reduction intentions of UK households. A Value-Attitude-Behavior (VAB) theory perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 75, 103486.
Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Islam, N., Kaur, P., and Almusharraf, A. (2023). Resistance of multiple stakeholders to e-health innovations: Integration of fundamental insights and guiding research paths. Journal of Business Research, 166, 114135.
Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Islam, N., Alghafes, R., and Badghish, S. (2023). Different strokes for different folks: Comparative analysis of 3D printing in large, medium and small firms. Technovation, 125, 102792. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Umesh, B., Shalini, T., Vijay, P., Corazza, L., and Amandeep, D. (2023). Disruptive digital innovations in healthcare: Knowing the past and anticipating the future. TECHNOVATION, 1-14. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Abuljadail, M., Khalil, A., Talwar, S., and Kaur, P. (2023). Big data analytics and e-governance: Actors, opportunities, tensions, and applications. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 193, 122612. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Madanaguli, A. T., and Ractham, P. (2023). SDG-Embeddedness in Business School Operations: State-of-the-Art Literature, Ground Realities, and Measurement Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. doi: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3236609
Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Kumar, S., Laroche, M. and Dhir, A. (2023). Caged, helpless but not bored: consumption values derived from over-the-top platforms during pandemic, Information Technology and People, Emerald Insight.
Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Ahmed, U., Bilgihan, A. and Dhir, A. (2023). The dark side of convenience: how to reduce food waste induced by food delivery apps, British Food Journal, Vol. 125 No. 1, pp. 205-225. Emerald Insight.
Jabeen, F., Dhir, A., Islam, N., Talwar, S., and Papa, A. (2022). Emotions and food waste behavior: Do habit and facilitating conditions matter? Journal of Business Research, 155, 113356. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Dhir, A., Islam, N., Salo, J. (2022). The effect of the valence of forgiveness to service recovery strategies and service outcomes in food delivery apps. Journal of Business Research. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Iyanna, S., Kaur, P., Ractham, P., Talwar, S., and Islam, A. N. (2022). Digital transformation of healthcare sector. What is impeding adoption and continued usage of technology-driven innovations by end-users? Journal of Business Research, 153, 150-161. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Shankar, A., Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Islam, N., and Sharma, P. (2022). Balancing food waste and sustainability goals in online food delivery: Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework. Technovation, 117, 102606. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Escobar, O., and Lan, S. (2022). Virtual reality tourism to satisfy wanderlust without wandering: An unconventional innovation to promote sustainability. Journal of Business Research, 152, 128-143. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Khan, M., Ajmal, M. M., Jabeen, F., Talwar, S., and Dhir, A. (2022). Green supply chain management in manufacturing firms: A resource-based viewpoint. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32( 4), 1603– 1618. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Madanaguli, A., Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Clauss, T., Kraus, S. and Kaur, P. (2022). Diving into the uncertainties of open innovation: A systematic review of risks to uncover pertinent typologies and unexplored horizons. Technovation, 102582. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2022.102582
Kaur, P., Talwar, S., Madanaguli, A., Srivastava, S., and Dhir, A. (2022). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and hospitality sector: Charting new frontiers for restaurant businesses. Journal of Business Research, 144, 1234-1248. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Kumar, S., Salo, J., and Dhir, A. (2022). The balancing act: How do moral norms and anticipated pride drive food waste/reduction behaviour?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102901. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Talwar, S., Srivastava, S., Sakashita, M., Islam, N., and Dhir, A. (2022). Personality and travel intentions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: An artificial neural network (ANN) approach. Journal of Business Research, 142, 400-411. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Chaudhary, S., Kaur, P., Talwar, S., Islam, N., and Dhir, A. (2022). Way off the mark? Open innovation failures: Decoding what really matters to chart the future course of action. Journal of Business Research, 142, 1010–1025. Elsevier ScienceDirect. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.12.062
Talwar, S., Kaur, P., Nunkoo, R., and Dhir, A. (2022). Digitalization and sustainability: virtual reality tourism in a post pandemic world. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-28. Taylor and Francis Online.
Jabeen, F., Kaur, P., Talwar, S., Malodia, S., and Dhir, A. (2022). I love you, but you let me down! How hate and retaliation damage customer-brand relationship. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121183. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Tandon, A., Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Kaur, P., and Mäntymäki, M. (2022). Social media induced fear of missing out (FoMO) and phubbing: Behavioural, relational and psychological outcomes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121149. Elsevier ScienceDirect.
Shukla, S., Talwar, S., and Talwar, M. (2023). It’s a time to crypto for retail investors: Cryptocurrencies as an alternative asset class for optimising an all-equity portfolio. In Digital Currencies and the New Global Financial System (pp. 28-44). Routledge.
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Cengage Learning
International Finance, Cengage Learning
ITC Limited: Decoding Business Segment Betas, Asian Case Research Journal, 2020
Sundaram Multi Pap Ltd.: Reviving Fortunes, IVEY PUBLISHING, 2019
Jet Etihad Strategic Alliance: The Road Ahead, IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 2016
Sithipolvanichgul, J., Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Srivastava, P., and Kaur, P., Knowledge arbitrage: What are the risks, and do they matter? Journal of Knowledge Management. Emerald Insight. (2024, August 8).
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter), International Odyssey Conference, University of Zagreb. Bouncing Back And Bounding Forward: Role Of Entrepreneurial Orientation And Individual Ambidexterity In Shaping Employee Resilience, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (May 22 – May 25, 2024).
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023, Blockchain for revitalizing trade finance: Enhancing governance and minimizing risks, Hyderabad India. (December 10-13, 2023).
Hina, M., Dhir, A., Najmul, Islam, A.K.M., Luukela Tandon, A., Talwar, S., Blockchain post-implementation analysis in reverse logistics from a strategic alignment lens, 2023 International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2023, Hyderabad. (December 2023).
Talwar, S., (Author and Presenter), World Finance Conference, How do orientation towards finances, financial well-being, and risk profile influence heuristics?, WFC, Kristiansand, Norway. (August 4, 2023).
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter), Human Relations conference, De-biased AI-based decision making and employee engagement: reduced opacity and increased transparency perspective, London, UK. (April 19, 2023).
Talwar, S. (Author). Cross-Cultural Business Conference, The role of the theory of planned behavior in cause-related lottery systems: A cross-cultural study, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria. (May 12, 2022).
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter). SIMSR Finance Conference, Assessment of the drivers of resistance among non-adopters and continuance intentions among adopters toward digital payments during the pandemic, SIFICO, Mumbai. (January 30, 2021).
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter). SIMSR Finance Conference, Understanding behavioral biases and financial attitude of retail Indian investors’ during COVID-19 pandemic, SIFICO, Mumbai. (January 30, 2021).
Talwar, S. (Author). Cross-Cultural Business Conference, The interplay of firm value, corporate governance and performance of a firm: A structural modelling approach, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria. (May 17, 2018).
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter). International Management Research Conference 2014-15, Freshly Minted: A Study of Causality Relationship among the Equity Markets of MINT Countries, Alkesh Modi Institute for Financial and Management Studies, the University of Mumbai.
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter). International Management Research Conference 2014-15, Spot Exchange in a Spot of Trouble: The Unraveling of the NSEL Crisis, Alkesh Modi Institute for Financial and Management Studies, University of Mumbai.
Talwar, S. (Author and Presenter). International Management Convention, 2013, Inclusive Innovation: Transition to Inclusive Growth Driven by Affordability and Sustainability, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar and Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA).
26 years in academics and research
2 years in industry
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Infrastructure and Project Finance
Financial Decision-making
Corporate Finance
Finance for non-finance professionals
Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs in Social Science)
Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Outstanding Researcher in the country in the field of Decision Sciences, Careers360 (October 6, 2023).
Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Research Scholar Award (2022).
Officer, Alpic Finance Limited, New Delhi and Jaipur
FDP on Research in Financial Markets, 2015
Finance for Non-finance Professionals conducted for various groups in 2014-15 and 2015-16
Financial Analysis, Owens Corning 2015
Project Finance, NSE-SIMSR certification programme 2015-16
Advanced Financial Management, INS HAMLA 2016
Business Finance, Arkema, 2017
Business Finance, NSE IPA 2017
Portfolio Management, NSE IPA 2017
Fundamental Analysis, NSE IPA 2017
Understanding Financial Markets, Customized residential MDP, Life Insurance Corporation of India, 2020
Online FDP (ATAL academy) on Academic paper writing, Plagiarism, and the Role of Ethics, 2022
Special Issue Editor, Journal of Business Research (ABDC A, ABS 3). (2023-present).
Associate Editor, Journal of Public Affairs, (ABDC B). (2023 – present).
Editorial Review Board Member, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Appointed. (2023 – present).
Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald Publishing, Scopus Indexed). (2023 – present).
Senior Editor, International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald Publishing, Scopus Indexed). (2022-2023).
Associate Editor, Business Perspectives and Research (Sage Publication, ABDC C, ABS 1). (2021-2022).
Special Issue Editor, IEEE TEMS (ABDC A, ABS 3). (2021-22).
Editor, Conference Book, Contemporary Issues in Modern Finance, SIFICO 2015
Editorial Board member, Oorja, International Journal of Management and IT. (2011-present).
Founding Editor-in-Chief, Oorja, International Journal of Management and IT. (2003-2011).
Editor, Book of Proceedings, National Conference on Restructuring of Global Economy: Challenges Ahead, 2011
Editor, Research Compendium, National Research Conference on India in the New World Order: The Road Ahead, 2011
Editor, Book of Proceedings, National Seminar on Revolutionizing HR: The New Ways of Managing People, 2003
A*Journals: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism and International Journal of Information Management
A-cat Journals: Information Technology and People, Business Strategy and the Environment, Internet Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Cleaner Production
Fully funded research visit invite, LUT University, Finland (2020)
Invited Adjunct Fellow (Honorary), School of Business and Management, Fiji (2021)
Visiting scholar scholarship, University of Agder, Norway (2022)
SPARC Grant, Government of India (2023)
Fully funded research visit, University of Agder, Norway (2024)
Talwar, Shalini, ‘Adoption of Circular Economy Approaches in Sustainable E-waste management in India and Russia: Cross Learning Opportunities and Solution Strategies’, Sponsored by SPARC, GoI, State, $93,808.00. (July 28, 2023 – July 28, 2025).
Talwar, Shalini, ‘Research visit’, sponsored by UiA, Norway. (2024).